文档彩票走势图>>Redis Desktop Manager操作手册>>快速安装
- 先安装
- 下载 Windows Installer from
- 安装installer
Mac OS X
- 下载dmg映像
- 解压DMG映像.
- 执行rdm.app.
使用Install 安装(几个linux社区搞出来的应用中心)
- 利用git下载 //git-scm.com/download
- 获得源码: git clone --recursive //github.com/uglide/RedisDesktopManager.git -b 2021 rdm && cd ./rdm
在OS X上构建
- 安装 with Xcode build tools.
- 安装.
- 复制【 cd ./src && cp ./resources/Info.plist.sample ./resources/Info.plist 】.
- 安装RDM 依赖需要 i.a. openssl, cmake 以及python3. 需要安装的话执行: brew install openssl cmake python3
- 构建lz4 lib
cd 3rdparty/lz4/build/cmake cmake -DLZ4_BUNDLED_MODE=ON . make
- 安装python 【 pip3 install -t ../bin/osx/release -r py/requirements.txt】
- Install Qt 5.15. Add Qt Creator and under Qt 5.15.x add Qt Charts module.
- 打开QT文件夹中./src/rdm.pro
- 运行执行.
- 安装Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.
- 安装Qt 5.15.
- Go to 3rdparty/qredisclient/3rdparty/hiredis and apply the patch to fix compilation on Windows: git apply ../hiredis-win.patch
- Go to the 3rdparty/ folder and install zlib with nuget: nuget install zlib-msvc14-x64 -Version
- 构建lz4 lib
cd 3rdparty/lz4/build/cmake cmake -DLZ4_BUNDLED_MODE=ON . make
- 安装Python 3.7 amd64 到C:\Python37-x64.
- 安装Python依赖 pip3 install -r src/py/requirements.txt.
- 打开QT安装目录./src/rdm.pro . 选择Qt 5.15.x MSVC2019 64bit > Release build profile.
- 运行构建Ctrl+B