Direct Oracle Access是一个组件集,它能帮助您实现将Borland's Delphi和C++Builder等开发工具集成到您的数据库系统中,使您的开发工具得到最大化的利用,从而提高整个开发过程的工作效率。
标签:开发商: Allround Automations
当前版本: v4.1.3 for Delphi 10.4 Rio
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If you are using Borland's Delphi or C++Builder to develop Oracle applications, then the Direct Oracle Access component set can help you to make a seamless integration between this great development tool and database system. Not only will your application take maximum advantage of both products
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
高性能 无论联机事务处理和批处理应用程序可以受益于Oracle的性能特性。直接Oracle访问,顾名思义,直接访问Oracle界面。这保证为标准的数据库访问函数的最佳性能。对于数组取,阵列DML,PL / SQL块,PL / SQL表,局部声明缓存和直接路径加载引擎使您的支持,更优化应用程序的性能关键的功能。 |
简单应用分布 直接Oracle访问应用程序不需要中间件像BDE或ODBC,它只需要Oracle SQL * Net或的Net8。因此你可以没有许多通常涉及到中间件安装的版本依赖或配置问题部署应用程序。 |
Example模式查询 TOracleDataSet组件具有实例查询模式,使您能够提供在应用程序中QBE形式无需任何额外的编程,且无任何附加组件或控件。由此产生的QBE查询Oracle服务器上执行,这样的表现将是最佳的,网络流量将是最小的。用户可以提供简单的查询值,如JONES或100,可以包括通配符的字符串值,如JON%,可以包括比较运算符,如>、< |
Oracle监控器 要监视你的直接Oracle访问应用程序的数据库访问活动,你可以使用Oracle监视器实用程序。它显示每个活动的SQL,变量,时间戳,已用时间,网络统计,数据库统计和查询执行计划。这可以帮助寻找性能瓶颈,调优的目的,以解决应用程序错误。 |
警报和事件管 Oracle服务器包括一个DBMS_ALERT和DBMS_PIPE包事件处理。该TOracleEvent直接在Oracle访问可以作为这些事件的接收器功能。它可以在你的应用程序的后台线程,并能传播数据库事件熟悉的对象事件。这些事件可以与应用程序的主线程同步或异步发生。 |
SQL脚本 如果您需要执行许多数据定义语言(DDL)语句,例如执行应用程序的数据库安装部分,你可以使用TOracleScript组件。它有一个属性编辑器,允许你开发脚本和个人的命令。在可扩展的脚本语言遵循基本的SQL * Plus语法,并支持所有的SQL语句。它也支持替代变量,使您的scriptscustomizable。 |
Both online transaction and batch processing applications can benefit from Oracle's performance features. Direct Oracle Access, as the name suggests, directly accesses the Oracle Interface. This guarantees optimal performance for standard database access functions. Support for Array Fetching, Array DML, PL/SQL Blocks, PL/SQL Tables, Local Statement Caching and the Direct Path Load Engine enable you to optimize your application's performance critical functions even more.
A Direct Oracle Access application does not require middleware like the BDE or ODBC, it merely requires Oracle SQL*Net or Net8. Consequently you can deploy your application without many of the version dependency or configuration problems typically involved with middleware installation.
Most PL/SQL code in Oracle databases is programmed in packages. Direct Oracle Access provides a TOraclePackage component that allows you to easily call packaged program units without detailed declarations of these program units and their parameters.
Furthermore Direct Oracle Access includes a Package Wizard that can generate classes to encapsulate the program units and record types defined in packages. This will make your Oracle packages a natural extension of the Object Pascal or C++ language.
The dataset component in Direct Oracle Access supports Oracle record locking, record refreshing, server generated values, automatic sequence value generation, and BLOB compression. Master/detail relations can automatically be setup if a foreign key exists between the master and detail table or if the master table contains one or more collection columns or attributes (nested table or varray).
The TOracleDataSet can use much of the information in the Oracle Dictionary at run time. Server Constraints can be checked on the client, and constraint error messages can be read from a message table. Format masks, range values and default values can also be read from the dictionary. This allows you to create applications with a minimum amount of 'database knowlegde' compiled into the executable, dynamically adopting changes in the database without even recompiling it.
The TOracleDataSet component has a Query By Example mode that enables you to provide QBE Forms in your application without any additional programming, and without any additional components or controls. The resulting QBE queries are performed on the Oracle Server, so that performance will be optimal and network traffic will be minimal. The user can supply simple query values such as JONES or 100, can include wildcard characters for string values such as JON%, and can include comparison operators such as >, <, NOT, BETWEEN, IN and so on.
To monitor the database access activities of your Direct Oracle Access application you can use the Oracle Monitor utility. It displays the SQL, variables, timestamp, elapsed time, network statistics, database statistics and query execution plan of each activity. This can be helpful to find performance bottlenecks, for tuning purposes, and to solve application errors.
The Oracle Server includes a dbms_alert and dbms_pipe package for event processing. The TOracleEvent in Direct Oracle Access can function as a receiver for these events. It works in a background thread of your application, and can propagate database events to the familiar object events. These events can occur synchronously or asynchronously with the main thread of your application.
If you need to execute many data definition language (DDL) statements, for example to perform the database installation part of your application, you can use the TOracleScript component. It has a property editor that allows you to develop the script and the individual commands. The extendible script language follows the basic SQL*Plus syntax and supports all SQL statements. It also supports substitution variables to make your scriptscustomizable.
To take advantage of the Advanced Queuing option of Oracle8 you can make use of the TOracleQueue component. The TOracleQueue component encapsulates the basic functionality of the DBMS_AQ package. It provides a convenient way to enqueue messages into a queue or to dequeue messages from a queue. Messages can be dequeued in a background thread of your application, and the events that are generated in threaded mode can occur synchronously or asynchronously with the main thread of your application.
In server applications that frequently need to create sessions to process requests from client applications, it may be useful to use connection pooling. Without a pooling concept, each request could lead to an actual database logon and logoff. By using the TOracleSessionPool component, you can maintain a pool of database sessions that can be used and reused for different requests. You can define the minimum an maximum number of sessions in the pool, define the TimeOut behavior for idle sessions in the pool, and preset the username, password and database.
Direct Oracle Access supports many Oracle specific features. Besides the features mentioned above, it supports Oracle8 and Oracle8i features like LOB Locators, Objects & References, XMLTYPE, Timestamps, Scrollable Queries, Password Expiration, External Procedure development, and the Oracle Services for MTS..
Direct Oracle Access requires a Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 client, with Oracle SQL*Net, Net 8, Net 9, Net 10, Net 11 or Net 12 installed. The supported Oracle Server versions are 7.x, 8.x, 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g and 12c on any platform. Direct Oracle Access is available for all recent versions of Delphi and C++Builder.
更新时间:2020-08-28 09:56:14.000 | 录入时间:2013-09-16 09:27:14.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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