标签:网格PivotGridGrid工业4.0开发商: DevExpress
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Full support for user customization and native integration with DevExpress Charting Control allow end-users to produce a nearly endless array of reports by simply dragging and clicking.
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就数据挖掘和多维分析而言,先进的、功能完备的数据透视表控件可对商业用户的日常运作进行非常清晰的透视。在发布XtraPivotGrid for .NET之前,利用产品(例如MS Excel®)的数据透视功能就意味着在托管应用程序中引入“进程外”解决方案。
从零开始设计的XtraPivotGrid Suite不仅打破了进程外解决方案的局限性,也从根本上改善了以数据为中心的应用程序向终端用户传递信息的方式。凭借其强大的数据结构,XtraPivotGrid能够高效地细分信息,并为客户提供非常直观的用户体验。XtraPivotGrid提供许多布局自定义选项,终端用户可对屏幕上的每个报表进行全面操控。无论从哪个角度讲,数据都可以回答业务问题,而且更重要的是数据可让您专注于业务规则而不是创建许多报表。
将表数据快速显示到完全自定义的细分报表中 我们的Pivot网格控件能够将难以阅读和难以分解的数据集信息转换为紧凑的、汇总后的可视化报表,从而有效地解决客户的实时业务分析需求。同样重要的是,用户可以很容易地改变报表的可视化布局,从而实现从不同的/多个角度审查数据,因此您就不必再预见您的终端用户所有可能遇到的报表问题了。 | |
联机分析处理(OLAP)数据源支持 现在,我们的超立方体控件能够全面支持微软分析服务(联机分析处理)数据源。如果绑定到这类数据源,pivot网格会把所有数据管理和计算委托给服务器端。 | |
异步数据处理模式 当pivot网格在处理数据时,您不必再等待应用程序解冻了。当pivot网格执行计算时,启用异步数据处理模式会让整个应用程序保持及时响应。 | |
打印和导出PDF、XLS、HTML格式的实时数据交叉报表到纸张上 Xtrapivotgrid不仅可以分析屏幕上的数据,还可以将数据按多种格式导出,然后将数据内容呈现到纸张上,就像传统的WYSIWYG报表一样。 | |
通过图表控件集成实现数据可视化 由于PivotGrid能够作为其他控件的数据源,利用我们的.NET 图表控件,DevExpress pivot网格就可让其显示的数据实现可视化。 | |
为灵活的数据分析提供不同层次的细节 终端用户可能不想逐一浏览每个受访者的年龄,而是想按照21-30和31-40年龄段来查看受访者的年龄。终端用户可能想要按月查看销售情况,而不是按日查看。 | |
分层数据显示——在单个报表中显示原始数据和汇总数据 字段值会自动排列成一个带可展开的父节点的树状结构,终端用户可以自由地展开和折叠子节点组,查看更多的汇总报表或原始报表。 | |
自动和手动计算总数 组件库中的众多功能之一就是自动显示每一行和每一列的总数。内置的汇总计算引擎并不处理具体的业务要求,这是很少见的,您可以显示任何值组的总数值。 | |
数据排序、显示顶层或底层数据——轻松获得最重要的信息 综合数据分析往往需要双向的数据导航方法——您可能需要通过特定的值找到数据或者通过数据找到值。这就意味着您可能需要出现在第一行的是卖得最好或最差的产品,而不是名称以A或Z开头的产品。 | |
终端用户数据过滤 利用Pivot网格中的内建可视化过滤选项,您的终端用户可利用简单易懂的和熟悉的可视化隐喻来联机操纵报表。 | |
内置编辑和数据验证 透视表控件允许终端用户通过编辑数据单元格中显示的汇总值进行假设性分析。 | |
钻取——查看汇总背后的数据 利用一行代码,您就能查看用于计算单元格值的记录。利用几行代码,您就能将这些数据显示在标准的数据网格控件、先进的WinForms网格控件或用于显示表数据的任何其他控件中。 | |
非绑定列和表达式编辑器 现在您可以创建非绑定字段,然后根据自己的需要填充数据。 |
When it comes to data mining and multi-dimensional analysis, an advanced and feature complete pivot table control provides business users unrivaled insights into daily operations. Until the release of the XtraPivotGrid for .NET, however, using the pivot capabilities of products like MS Excel® meant introducing "out-of-process" solutions within managed applications.
The XtraPivotGrid Suite was engineered from the ground-up to blow away the limitations posed not just by these out-of-process solutions, but to radically improve the way in which data-centric applications deliver information to end-users. With its powerful data architecture, the XtraPivotGrid is able to slice and dice information efficiently and provide customers with an extremely intuitive end-user experience. It delivers numerous layout customization options with total end-user control over each individual on-screen report. Regardless of the perspective, data can be rendered to answer business questions - and best of all - it allows you to focus on business rules rather than creating dozens and dozens of reports.
Quickly Display Table Data into Fully Customizable Slice-and-Dice Reports Our Pivot Grid Control has the power to convert hard to read and difficult to dissect dataset information into compact and summarized visual reports, thus addressing your customer's real-time business analysis needs. And just as important, users can easily change a report's layout visually in order to examine data from different/multiple perspectives so you never again have to foresee all possible report scenarios your end-users may require. |
OLAP Data Source Support Microsoft Analysis Services (OLAP) data sources are now fully supported by our hypercube control. If bound to such a data source, a pivot grid delegates all data management and calculations to the server side. |
Asynchronous Data Processing Mode You no longer have to wait for your application to unfreeze while the pivot grid is processing data. When an asynchronous data processing mode is enabled, the entire application stays responsive while the pivot grid is busy with calculations. |
Print and Export Data - Instant Cross-tab Reports in PDF, XLS, HTML Formats and on Paper XtraPivotGrid is NOT just about on-screen data analysis. With it, you can export data to numerous formats and render its contents to paper just like a traditional WYSIWYG report. |
Data Visualization via Charting Control Integration The DevExpress pivot grid allows the data it displays to be visualized using our .NET Charting Control. This is possible because the PivotGrid can act as a data source for other controls. |
Provide Different Levels of Detail for Flexible Data Analysis End-users may not want to browse through each and every unique respondent age value and instead want to see the ages of respondents in intervals such as 21-30, 31-40, etc. Instead of viewing sales by each unique date, they may want to view the sales against months. |
Hierarchical Data Display - Raw and Summarized Data in a Single Report Field values are automatically arranged into a tree structure with expandable parents. End-users are free to expand and collapse child groups to see more summarized or raw reports. |
Automatic and Manually Calculated Totals Among the many features available in the component library is its ability to display grand totals for each row and column automatically. On the rare occasion that the built-in summary computation engine does not address a specific business requirement, you can display any number of totals for any value group. |
Sort Data and Display Top or Bottom Numbers - Easily Access the Most Important Information Comprehensive data analysis often requires a two-way approach to data navigation - you may need to find data by a specific value or find a value by its data. This means that sometimes you need the first product to be the one with the most or least sales, rather than the one which starts with an A or a Z. |
End-User Data Filtering With the Pivot Grid's built-in visual filtering option, your end-users can manipulate reports on the fly using an easy to understand and familiar visual metaphor. |
In-place Editing and Data Validation The Pivot Table Control allows end-users to perform 'what-if' analysis by editing summary values displayed in data cells. |
Drill Down - Take a Look at the Data Behind a Summary With just a single line of code, you can take a look at the records that were used to calculate cell values. With a few more lines of code, you can display this data within a standard DataGrid control, our advanced WinForms Grid control or any other control designed for displaying table data. |
Unbound Columns and Expression Editor You can now create unbound fields and populate them with data as your needs dictate. |
更新时间:2018-03-01 16:19:39.000 | 录入时间:2006-06-20 13:41:00.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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