
Ansible 1.4 发布,计算机系统配置管理

转帖|行业资讯|编辑:龚雪|2013-11-22 10:14:37.000|阅读 179 次

概述:Ansible 1.4 发布,Ansible是简单用于发布、管理和编排计算机系统的工具。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

Ansible 提供一种最简单的方式用于发布、管理和编排计算机系统的工具,你可在数分钟内搞定。

Ansible 是一个模型驱动的配置管理器,支持多节点发布、远程任务执行。默认使用 SSH 进行远程连接。无需在被管理节点上安装附加软件,可使用各种编程语言进行扩展。

Ansible 1.4 改进记录包括:


  • Added do-until feature, which can be used to retry a failed task a specified number of times with a delay in-between the retries.
  • Added failed_when option for tasks, which can be used to specify logical statements that make it easier to determine when a task has failed, or to make it easier to ignore certain non-zero return codes for some commands.
  • Added the "subelement" lookup plugin, which allows iteration of the keys of a dictionary or items in a list.
  • Added the capability to use either paramiko or ssh for the inital setup connection of an accelerated playbook.
  • Automatically provide advice on common parser errors users encounter.
  • Deprecation warnings are now shown for legacy features: when_integer/etc, only_if, include+with_items, etc. Can be disabled in ansible.cfg
  • The system will now provide helpful tips around possible YAML syntax errors increasing ease of use for new users.
  • warnings are now shown for using {{ foo }} in loops and conditionals, and suggest leaving the variable expressions bare as per docs.
  • The roles search path is now configurable in ansible.cfg. 'roles_path' in the config setting.
  • Includes with parameters can now be done like roles for consistency: - { include: song.yml, year:1984, song:'jump' }
  • The name of each role is now shown before each task if roles are being used
  • Adds a "var=" option to the debug module for debugging variable data. "debug: var=hostvars['hostname']" and "debug: var=foo" are all valid syntax.
  • Variables in {{ format }} can be used as references even if they are structured data
  • Can force binding of accelerate to ipv6 ports.
  • the apt module will auto-install python-apt if not present rather than requiring a manual installation
  • the copy module is now recursive if the local 'src' parameter is a directory.
  • syntax checks now scan included task and variable files as well as main files


  • cloud: ec2_eip -- manage AWS elastic IPs
  • cloud: ec2_vpc -- manage ec2 virtual private clouds
  • cloud: elasticcache -- Manages clusters in Amazon Elasticache
  • cloud: rax_network -- sets up Rackspace networks
  • cloud: rax_facts: retrieve facts about a Rackspace Cloud Server
  • cloud: rax_clb_nodes -- manage Rackspace cloud load balanced nodes
  • cloud: rax_clb -- manages Rackspace cloud load balancers
  • cloud: docker - instantiates/removes/manages docker containers
  • cloud: ovirt -- VM lifecycle controls for ovirt
  • files: acl -- set or get acls on a file
  • files: unarchive: pushes and extracts tarballs
  • files: synchronize: a useful wraper around rsyncing trees of files
  • system: firewalld -- manage the firewalld configuration
  • system: modprobe -- manage kernel modules on systems that support modprobe/rmmod
  • system: open_iscsi -- manage targets on an initiator using open-iscsi
  • system: blacklist: add or remove modules from the kernel blacklist
  • system: hostname - sets the systems hostname
  • utilities: include_vars -- dynamically load variables based on conditions.
  • packaging: zypper_repository - adds or removes Zypper repositories
  • packaging: urpmi - work with urpmi packages
  • packaging: swdepot - a module for working with swdepot
  • notification: grove - notifies to Grove hosted IRC channels
  • web_infrastructure: ejabberd_user: add and remove users to ejabberd
  • web_infrastructure: jboss: deploys or undeploys apps to jboss
  • source_control: github_hooks: manages GitHub service hooks
  • net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_http: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors
  • net_infrastructure: bigip_monitor_tcp: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP monitors
  • net_infrastructure: bigip_pool_member: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members
  • net_infrastructure: bigip_node: manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes
  • net_infrastructure: openvswitch_port
  • net_infrastructure: openvswitch_bridge





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