原创|使用教程|编辑:龚雪|2014-02-13 09:17:06.000|阅读 450 次
概述:本文主要讲述如何使用Python REST或者Aspose Cloud SDK for Python来创建并填写Excel工作簿。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.Cells for Cloud 让你能够创建工作簿、添加工作表、行和列并以任意语言(.NET、Java、PHP、Ruby、Rails、Python、jQuery等等)操作或呈现数据。你可以通过支持REST的任意语言或平台来使用它(几乎所有平台和语言都支持REST并提供原生REST客户端来处理REST APIs)。
你可以使用Python REST或者Aspose Cloud SDK for Python来创建并填写Excel工作簿。REST和SDK实例均使用Pycurl库来发送HTTP请求,处理HTTP响应,因此你需要安装Pycurl来使用这些实例。
使用Python REST
你可以用如下URI来在Aspose for Cloud或任意支持的第三方存储上创建一个默认的空的工作簿。
from aspose.cloud.common import * import json try: ####### Create new workbook ####### ####### Section 1 ###### #build URI to create empty workbook str_uri = ‘//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx’ ####### End Section 1 ###### ####### Section 2 ###### # sepcify App SID AsposeApp.app_sid = ’77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********’ # sepcify App Key AsposeApp.app_key = ‘*******************************’ #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 2 ###### ####### Section 3 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, ‘PUT’, ”, ”) ####### End Section 3 ######
使用Python SDK
如果你想要使用Python SDK来创建新的工作簿并添加工作表,你可以从下载该SDK。要使用Python SDK,你需要执行如下步骤:
设置基本产品URI,App SID 和App Key。
from aspose.cloud.common import * from aspose.cloud.storage import * from aspose.cloud.cells import * import json try: # sepcify App SID AsposeApp.app_sid = '77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********' # sepcify App Key AsposeApp.app_key = '*******************************' # set base product uri Product.base_product_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1' workbook = Workbook('NewWorkbook.xlsx') print workbook.create_empty_workbook()
使用Python REST
你可以在Aspose for Cloud 或任意至此后的第三方存储上使用如下URI来添加一个新的工作表到先前创建的工作簿。
//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx /worksheets/NewWorksheet
####### Add new worksheet ####### ####### Section 4 ###### #build URI to add a new worksheet str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet' ####### End Section 4 ###### ####### Section 5 ###### #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 5 ###### ####### Section 6 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'PUT', '', '') ####### End Section 6 ######
使用Python SDK
如果你想使用Python SDK,你可以从Aspose Cloud SDK for Python下载该SDK并调用add_worksheet()方式:
print workbook.add_worksheet('NewWorksheet')
你可以在Aspose for Cloud 或任意支持的第三方存储上使用如下URI来设置单元格的值到之前创建的工作簿。
//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx /worksheets/NewWorksheet /cells/B1?value=This is cell B1&type=string
####### Set value of cells ####### ####### Section 7 ###### #build URI to set value of a cell str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet/cells/B1?value=This is cell B1&type=string' ####### End Section 7 ###### ####### Section 8 ###### #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 8 ###### ####### Section 9 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'POST', '', '') ####### End Section 9 ###### ####### Section 10 ###### #build URI to set value of a cell str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet/cells/B2?value=This is cell B2&type=string' #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'POST', '', '') ####### End Section 10 ######
使用Python SDK
如果你想使用Python SDK,你可以从Aspose Cloud SDK for Python下载该SDK并调用add_worksheet()方式:
worksheet = Worksheet('NewWorkbook.xlsx', 'NewWorksheet') print worksheet.set_cell_value('B1', 'string', 'This is cell B1') print worksheet.set_cell_value('B2', 'string', 'This is cell B2')
from aspose.cloud.common import * import json try: ####### Create new workbook ####### ####### Section 1 ###### #build URI to create empty workbook str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx' ####### End Section 1 ###### ####### Section 2 ###### # sepcify App SID AsposeApp.app_sid = '77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********' # sepcify App Key AsposeApp.app_key = '*******************************' #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 2 ###### ####### Section 3 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'PUT', '', '') ####### End Section 3 ###### ####### Add new worksheet ####### ####### Section 4 ###### #build URI to add a new worksheet str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet' ####### End Section 4 ###### ####### Section 5 ###### #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 5 ###### ####### Section 6 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'PUT', '', '') ####### End Section 6 ###### ####### Set value of cells ####### ####### Section 7 ###### #build URI to set value of a cell str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet/cells/B1?value=This is cell B1&type=string' ####### End Section 7 ###### ####### Section 8 ###### #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) ####### End Section 8 ###### ####### Section 9 ###### Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'POST', '', '') ####### End Section 9 ###### ####### Section 10 ###### #build URI to set value of a cell str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/cells/NewWorkbook.xlsx/worksheets/NewWorksheet/cells/B2?value=This is cell B2&type=string' #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, 'POST', '', '') ####### End Section 10 ###### ####### Section 11 ###### #build URI to download output file str_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1/storage/file/NewWorkbook.xlsx' #sign URI signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(),signed_uri, 'GET') Utils.save_file(Utils(),response_stream, 'NewWorkbook.xlsx') ####### End Section 11 ###### print 'Done' except Exception, ex: print type(ex) # the exception instance print ex.args # arguments stored in .args print ex.errno print ex.strerror finally: raw_input("Press any Key")
from aspose.cloud.common import * from aspose.cloud.storage import * from aspose.cloud.cells import * import json try: # sepcify App SID AsposeApp.app_sid = '77******-1***-4***-a***-80**********' # sepcify App Key AsposeApp.app_key = '*******************************' # set base product uri Product.base_product_uri = '//api.aspose.com/v1.1' workbook = Workbook('NewWorkbook.xlsx') print workbook.create_empty_workbook() print workbook.add_worksheet('NewWorksheet') worksheet = Worksheet('NewWorkbook.xlsx', 'NewWorksheet') print worksheet.set_cell_value('B1', 'string', 'This is cell B1') print worksheet.set_cell_value('B2', 'string', 'This is cell B2') # initialize Folder object folder = Folder() # download output file response_stream = folder.get_file("NewWorkbook.xlsx") # save the stream as local file Utils.save_file(Utils(), response_stream, "NewWorkbook.xlsx") print 'Done' except Exception, ex: print type(ex) # the exception instance print ex.args # arguments stored in .args print ex.errno print ex.strerror finally: raw_input("Press any Key")