
【重要更新】.net平台报表控件FastReport.Net v2017.1发布,新增CSV数据库连接

原创|产品更新|编辑:陈俊吉|2016-12-07 15:21:55.000|阅读 274 次

概述:日前,Fast Report公司发布了旗下核心产品.Net平台报表控件FastReport.Net的最新版本v2017.1,新的版本中,FastReport.Net进行了许多重要的改进和优化,其中就包括了新增CSV数据库连接等功能。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

日前,Fast Report公司发布了旗下核心产品.Net平台报表控件FastReport.Net的最新版本v2017.1,新的版本中,FastReport.Net进行了许多重要的改进和优化,其中就包括了新增CSV数据库连接等功能。以下是本次更新的一些重要内容:

  • 对报告代码和导出的不同格式的代码优化使得FastReport 变得更加快速和轻便。
  • 可立即访问到CSV文本文件。便利的CSV文件加载参数设置允许使用Excel表和支持CSV导出的其它应用程序的任何数据。
  • 新增可连接到若干数据库管理系统的MongoDB捆绑插件连接器。
  • PDF的导出现在支持图形化标准PDF / x 4,可以向PDF文件添加颜色配置文件。
  • 通过XMPP / Jabber协议可直接将报告发送到聊天客户端。
  • 那些使用Windows Presentation Foundation的用户肯定会对WPFViewer框架下Fast..Net使用的全新示例感兴趣。
  • 在web报告中增加了可从细节标签切换回前一个报告的按钮。




+ added possibility to set picture location (URL) in PictureObject from database

+ added support of alphanumeric values in GS1-128 barcode

* optimized memory consumption

- fixed bug with RichObject page break


+ added possibility to select all tables in DataWizardForm

+ added CSV database connection

- fixed bug with updating the script when loading another report 

- fixed bug with updating TextObject.Format

- fixed bug with updating TextObject.Border

- fixed bug with non-existing connection plugin


+ added "Exports" and "Clouds" properties in PreviewControl to hide/show exports in the "Save" button drop-down menu


+ added ability to export text as curves in PostScript and PPML exports

+ added property FastCloudStorageClient.ReportUrl containing the link to a report after uploading to FastReport Cloud

+ added possibility to send a report using XMPP/Jabber and FastReport Cloud

+ added support of PDF/X-4 standard

+ added CMYK color profile in the PDF export

+ added property HTMLExport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output file (default: false)

* added possibility of getting images from a stream by GetImage(..) method in XAMLExport, property name ToMultipleFiles changed to HasMultipleFiles

- fixed export of GroupHeader and GroupFooter bands in FR3 export

- fixed bug with exporting images in Metafile image export

- fixed bugs with formatting in OpenOffice Writer (Open Document Text) export

- fixed bugs with formatting in Word 2007 (docx) export

- fixed bug with font "Meiryo UI" in PDF export


+ added property WebReport.ShowBackButton to display the "Back" button (return to previous report in the tabbed report)

+ added property WebReport.LogFile to log the errors in WebReport, may be combined with WebReport.Debug 

+ added property WebReport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output (default: false)

+ added support of Page.Fill in WebReport

+ added support of WebReport background color - WebReport.BackColor (default value: White)

* changed progress picture

- fixed bug with printing from browser any reports with links to detailed report

- fixed bug with displaying the scroll bars on 100% width and height

- fixed bug with visualization of reports with unlimited page width/height

- fixed bug with "Fit Width/Fit Page" zooming in the toolbar

- fixed bug with multi-threading

- fixed bug with TextObject.ParagraphOffset


+ added new example \Demos\C#\WPFViewer 


+ added MongoDB connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.MongoDB  

- fixed bug with displaying a list of tables in FastReport.MySQL


下载试用最新版的FastReport.Net v2017.1>>





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