
MailBee.NET Objects退回邮件教程(二):POP3部分

原创|使用教程|编辑:黄竹雯|2017-08-24 14:37:41.000|阅读 170 次

概述:本文主要介绍了SMTP服务器退回邮件的代码示例。目前MailBee.NET Objects在线订购享75折优惠正在进行中,欢迎您下载试用版进行运用!

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MailBee.NET Objects是一款为创建、发送、接收以及处理电子邮件而设计的健壮、功能丰富的.NET控件。几行代码便可为应用程序添加E-Mail支持,
本文主要介绍了SMTP服务器退回邮件的代码示例。目前MailBee.NET Objects在线订购享75折优惠正在进行中,欢迎您下载试用版进行运用!
每封退回的电子邮件都包含失败的电子邮件地址(以及其他信息)。这个失败的地址是我们想知道的。这个任务看起来很简单 - 你需要做的是扫描退回的
From: POSTMASTER@domain.com
To: jdoe@domain.com
Subject: Message Delivery Failure

MailEnable: Message Delivery Failure.

The following recipient(s) could not be reached: 

Recipient: [SMTP: bill@domain.com] Reason: The message could not be delivered because the domain name (domain.com) does not appear 

to be registered.

函数GetInvalidEmailAddressME()检查邮件是否被退回,并从退回的邮件中提取失败的地址。由于退回邮件格式不同,此功能仅对MailEnable服务器有效。例如,如果你正在使用Communigate Pro服务器,则退回消息如下所示:
From: MAILER-DAEMON@domain.local
To: jdoe@localhost Subject:
Undeliverable mail:

Failed to deliver to '<bill@localhost>'
正如你所看到的,这个退回的邮件与前一个几乎相同。使用哪个服务器并不重要,退回信息总是有From,To和Subject字段,退回信息在其正文中有失败的地址。函数GetInvalidEmailAddressCP()与前一个函数几乎相同; 区别仅在于检查邮件字段并搜索失败的地址。支持尽可能多的退回电子邮件格式至关重要。这就是为什么你需要修改GetInvalidEmailAddress()函数,以适应服务器使用的退回电子邮件格式。
// Create POP3 object
Pop3 pop = new Pop3();

// Enable logging to file
pop.Log.Enabled = true;
pop.Log.Filename = @"C:\log.txt";

// Connect to POP3 server
pop.Login("bounce", "secret");

// Download headers and bodies of all messages.
MailMessageCollection msgs = pop.DownloadMessageHeaders(1, -1, -1);
// Loop through all messages in the mailbox
foreach (MailMessage msg in msgs)
        string strLine = msg.BodyPlainText;
        Console.WriteLine("From: " + msg.From.Email);
        // Get failed email address
        string str_invalid_email =  GetInvalidEmailAddressME(msg);

        // If str_invalid_email is non-empty then failed email 
        // address was found
        if (str_invalid_email.Length > 0)
                // Remove failed email from database

                // Display invalid adress
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid email: " + str_invalid_email);                

                // Delete bounced email from server to avoid
                // processing it next time

// Disconnect from POP3 server

// The function checks whether the message is bounced and extracts 
// failed address 
// from bounced message. Valid only for MailEnable servers
static string  GetInvalidEmailAddressME(MailMessage msg)
        string str_invalid_email = msg.BodyPlainText;

        // Check if this is a bounced message report
        if (msg.Subject.IndexOf("Delivery Failure") == -1)
                return "";
        if (msg.From.ToString().IndexOf("POSTMASTER") == -1)
                return "";

        // Now we're sure this is a bounced message report
        int i_start;
        i_start = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("SMTP:");

        // Check if bounced message report contains "Recipient:" field
        if (i_start == -1)
                return "";
        // Get failed address
        i_start += 5;
        i_end = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("]",i_start);
        str_invalid_email.Substring(i_start, i_end);
        return str_invalid_email;

// The function checks whether the message is bounced and extracts 
// failed address 
// from bounced message. Valid only for Communigate Pro servers
static string  GetInvalidEmailAddressCP(MailMessage msg)
string str_invalid_email = msg.BodyPlainText;

        // Check if this is a bounced message report
        if (msg.Subject.IndexOf("Undeliverable mail") == -1) 
                return "";
        if (msg.From.ToString().IndexOf("MAILER-DAEMON") == -1) 
                return "";

        // Now we're sure this is a bounced message report
        int i_start;
        i_start = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("to '<");

        // Check if bounced message report contains 
        // "Failed to deliver to " field
        if (i_start == -1)
                return "";
        // Get failed address
        i_start += 5;
        i_end = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("]",i_start);
        str_invalid_email.Substring(i_start, i_end);
        return str_invalid_email;

// This function must remove (or disable) specified
// email address from mailing list
static void RemoveEmailFromDatabase(string str_invalid_email)
// TODO: Add your code here                        
Dim pop As New Pop3

' Enable logging to file
pop.Log.Enabled = True
pop.Log.Filename = "C:\log.txt"

' Connect to POP3 server
pop.Login("jdoe", "secret")

' Download headers and bodies for all messages.
Dim msgs As MailMessageCollection = pop.DownloadMessageHeaders(1, -1, -1)

' Loop through all messages in the mailbox
Dim msg As MailMessage
For Each msg In msgs
        Dim strLine As String = msg.BodyPlainText
        Console.WriteLine("From: " + msg.From.Email)

        ' Get failed email address
        Dim str_invalid_email As String = GetInvalidEmailAddressME(msg)

        ' If str_invalid_email is non-empty then failed email 
        ' address was found
        If str_invalid_email.Length > 0 Then
                'Remove failed email from database

                ' Display invalid address
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid email: " & str_invalid_email)

                ' Delete bounced email from server to avoid
                ' processing it next time
        End If

' Disconnect from POP3 server

' The function checks whether the message is bounced and extracts 
' failed address 
' from bounced message. Valid only for MailEnable servers
Function GetInvalidEmailAddressME(ByVal msg As MailMessage) As String
        Dim str_invalid_email As String = msg.BodyPlainText

        ' Check if this is a bounced message report
        If msg.Subject.IndexOf("Delivery Failure") = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If
        If msg.From.ToString().IndexOf("POSTMASTER") = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If

        ' Now we're sure this is a bounced message report
        Dim i_start As Integer, i_end As Integer
        i_start = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("SMTP:")

        ' Check if bounced message report contains "Recipient:" field
        If i_start = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If

        ' Get failed address
        i_start += 5
        i_end = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("]", i_start)
        str_invalid_email.Substring(i_start, i_end)

        Return str_invalid_email
End Function

' The function checks whether the message is bounced and extracts 
' failed address 
' from bounced message. Valid only for Communigate Pro servers
Function GetInvalidEmailAddressCP(ByVal msg As MailMessage) As String
        Dim str_invalid_email As String = msg.BodyPlainText

        ' Check if this is a bounced message report
        If msg.Subject.IndexOf("Undeliverable mail") = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If
        If msg.From.ToString().IndexOf("MAILER-DAEMON") = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If

        ' Now we're sure this is a bounced message report
        Dim i_start As Integer, i_end As Integer
        i_start = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("to '<")

        ' Check if bounced message report contains 
        ' "Failed to deliver to " field
        If i_start = -1 Then
                Return ""
        End If

        ' Get failed address
        i_start += 5
        i_end = str_invalid_email.IndexOf("]", i_start)
        str_invalid_email.Substring(i_start, i_end)

        Return str_invalid_email
End Function

' This function must remove (or disable) specified
' email address from mailing list
Sub RemoveEmailFromDatabase(ByVal str_invalid_email As String)
        ' TODO: Add your code here                        
End Sub




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