

原创|产品更新|编辑:龚雪|2019-01-31 10:15:41.000|阅读 234 次


# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

DevExtreme Complete Subscription是性能最优的 HTML5,CSS 和 JavaScript 移动、Web开发框架,可以直接在Visual Studio集成开发环境,构建iOS,Android,Tizen和Windows Phone 8应用程序。DevExtreme包含 PhoneJS 和 ChartJS 两个原生UI组件,并且提供源代码。目前,DevExtreme支持VS2010/2012/2013集成开发环境,兼容Android 4+、iOS5+、Windows 8、Window Phone 8、Tizen五大移动平台,是Visual Studio开发人员开发跨平台移动产品的首选工具。


DevExtreme Tree List
  •  - dxTreeList - A request is sent to the server if the collapse/expand button is clicked for a filtered TreeList
  •  - TreeList - The refreshMode option does not stop data reloading when the parent node is collapsed/expanded after deleting a child node
DevExtreme Core
  •  - DevExtreme CLI ThemeBuilder does not use custom variables if the makeSwatch flag is disabled
  •  - ODataStore doesn't parse second fraction properly
DevExtreme Demos
  •  - DataGrid - Virtual Scrollbar won't stop scrolling when the mouse button is held down and the cursor is moved outside a browser window in IE
DevExtreme Html Editor
  •  - HtmlEditor - The value option cannot be changed if it was previously set and was not edited by a user
  •  - HtmlEditor - Toolbar buttons are not disabled if HtmlEditor is read-only
DevExtreme Scheduler
  •  - Scheduler - A script error occurs in a certain scenario after adding a recurring item and switching to the Week view
  •  - Scheduler - Editing a single appointment with recurrence rules raises an error
  •  - Scheduler - The "Cannot read property '$$phase' of null" error is thrown when DataGrid resides in the tab template of the appointment form
DevExtreme UI Widgets
  •  - NumberBox ignores reserved characters during formatting
  •  - Android Theme - Animation is executed twice in dxSelectBox with fieldTemplate on an attempt to select a new item  
  •  - ButtonGroup - An item remains focused after it is unselected
  •  - Calendar - Inconsistent behavior of the editor with the defined disabledDates callback and an undefined value
  •  - DataGrid - Lookup column displays a wrong value in batch editing mode when a custom filter is used
  •  - DateBox - Custom validation is not raised if a value is selected from the calendar
  •  - DateBox - Value modification is slow on using devextreme-intl library and when the useMaskBehavior option is enabled
  •  - DateBox changes its value using the mouse wheel
  •  - dxDateBox does not allow typing values with leading zeroes
  •  - dxList - The widget bound to CustomStore infinitely reloads data and fires the onSelectionChanged event when an item located not on the first page is selected on page load
  •  - dxSelectBox does not complete selection when a custom item has been created
  •  - dxTagBox does not work with grouped OData store when the showSelectionControls option is enabled
  •  - dxToolbar - A toolbar item disappears from the toolbar when another toolbar item with dxDropDownBox uses the showTitle option
  •  - dxTooltip - Popup element is not closed when moving the mouse pointer very quickly in IE
  •  - Filter Builder - View is scrolled if the context menu is too high
  •  - Filter Builder's valueChanged event is not raised after a condition/group is added
  •  - Material theme - Toolbar button size is incorrect when the button is placed in dxPopup
  •  - Popover - console error when set position.at option as objects with coordinate values
  •  - RadioGroup - The contentReady event is not raised when a data source is changed  
  •  - ResponsiveBox does not render items in the embedded dxForm in a small screen
  •  - ScrollView with RTL direction - The handle position isn't relative to the right side after the container width is changed
  •  - SelectBox - The previousValue parameter is not correct after changing a value for the first time
  •  - TabPanel - "No data to display" is always visible if new tabs are added and repaintChangesOnly is "true"
  •  - TagBox - Items, added programmatically when the drop-down element is opened, are not selected
  •  - TagBox - Selection logic does not work correctly when the GUID key type is used in ODataStore
  •  - TagBox creates duplicated tags when the acceptCustomValue option is set to true
  •  - The Dropdown button looks different in dxSelectBox and dxLookup in the material theme
  •  - TileView does not update a layout once the item field is changed
DevExtreme Data Grid
  •  - DataGrid - A custom command button click scrolls the iframe element where the grid is contained
  •  - DataGrid - A fixed column is displayed incorrectly if masterDetail is enabled
  •  - DataGrid - Adaptive detail rows are not expanded after scrolling to the next page if scrolling and rowRenderingMode are 'virtual'
  •  - DataGrid - An error occurs after data is grouped by a column of the datetime data type if the filter row is visible
  •  - DataGrid - An expanded area is highlighted when group nodes are expanded
  •  - DataGrid - Error "Cannot set property '_array' of undefined" if the datasource is changed and state storing is used
  •  - DataGrid - Fixed columns and always visible scrollbar cause rows to not align properly when scrolling to the bottom of the grid
  •  - DataGrid - Focus is not restored correctly if setCellValue is used in certain cases when the editing form is used
  •  - DataGrid - Focused row is always highlighted when the scroll mode is infinite
  •  - DataGrid - Group by truncates text when an underlying column value is integer but display value is text
  •  - DataGrid - Keyboard navigation for focused row elements operates incorrectly
  •  - DataGrid - Page size is not restored via the state storing feature if scrolling mode is virtual
  •  - DataGrid - The "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs after sorting for multi-row headers
  •  - DataGrid - The expand button is not shown if showCheckBoxesMode and columnFixing are enabled
  •  - DataGrid - The expand/collapse button is highlighted when nodes are expanded and collapsed
  •  - DataGrid - The fixed column does not completely hide other column values
  •  - DataGrid - The navigateToRow method doesn't work with virtual scrolling
  •  - DataGrid does not correctly generate Column components in code at runtime if data is changed in React
  •  - dxDataGrid - Header Filter's alignment changes after resetting the headerFilter.visible option
  •  - dxDataGrid - Setting focusedRowIndex to -1 does not remove the focused row
  •  - The DataGrid shows empty rows after scrolling if the rowRenderingMode option is set to virtual and the rows have a big height
DevExtreme Data Visualization
  •  - Chart - The 'Cannot read property 'scheduleHiding' of null` exception is thrown after routing in React

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标签:DevExpressJavaScript HTML5webHTML5/JS




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