原创|产品更新|编辑:李显亮|2019-08-13 10:44:21.733|阅读 337 次
概述:Aspose.Words for .Net更新至新版本v19.8,新增分析在docker(Linux)中使用图像转换文档所需的内容功能,以及渲染/转换为PDF时忽略字距调整选项,修复多项Bug,我们一起来看一看新功能详解吧!
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.Words for .NET是用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务,支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。同时支持所有流行的Word处理文件格式,并允许将Word文档导出或转换为固定布局文件格式和最常用的图像、多媒体格式。
Aspose.Words for .Net更新至新版本v19.8,新增分析在docker(Linux)中使用图像转换文档所需的内容功能,以及渲染/转换为PDF时忽略字距调整选项,修复多项Bug,我们一起来看一看新功能详解吧!>>欢迎下载Aspose.Words for .NET v19.8体验
key | 概述 | 类别 |
WORDSNET-18808 | 分析在docker(Linux)中使用图像转换文档所需的内容 | 新功能 |
WORDSNET-2261 | 渲染/转换为PDF时忽略字距调整选项 | 新功能 |
WORDSNET-18864 | Iskoola Pota和Latha字体渲染问题 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18561 | 输出PDF中缺少图表的轴 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18691 | 在word文档中存在格式化问题,在将政策写入转换为pdf后,文本变为粗体 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18875 | 插入标题时文档格式已更改 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18510 | 使用公式呈现的DOCX到HTML转换问题 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18511 | 具有分页位置的DOCX到HTML转换问题 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18513 | 将DOCX转换为PDF时无限循环异常 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18895 | 导出为HTML后,段落的格式不正确 | Bug修复 |
WORDSNET-18894 | 导出为HTML后,段落的格式不正确 | Bug修复 |
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完整更新细则请参考:【Aspose.Words for .NET v19.8更新说明】
////// Allows to specify whether to work with the original or revised version of a document. ///public enum RevisionsView
////// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to work with the original or revised version of a document. ///////// The default value is . ///public RevisionsView RevisionsView
Document doc = new Document(@"test.docx"); doc.UpdateListLabels(); // Switch to the revised version of the document. doc.RevisionsView = RevisionsView.Final; foreach (Revision revision in doc.Revisions) { if (revision.ParentNode.NodeType == NodeType.Paragraph) { Paragraph paragraph = (Paragraph)revision.ParentNode; if (paragraph.IsListItem) { // Print revised version of LabelString and ListLevel. Console.WriteLine(paragraph.ListLabel.LabelString); Console.WriteLine(paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel); } } }
////// Allows to specify whether category name is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowCategoryName { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether bubble size is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series. /// Applies only to Bubble charts. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowBubbleSize { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether legend key is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowLegendKey { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether percentage value is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowPercentage { get; set; } ////// Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name display behavior for the data labels of the entire series. /// True to show the series name. False to hide. By default false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowSeriesName { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether values are to be displayed in the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowValue { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether data label leader lines need be shown for the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. /////////Applies to Pie charts only. /// Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its corresponding data point.///Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property.///public bool ShowLeaderLines { get; set; } ////// Allows to specify whether values from data labels range to be displayed in the data labels of the entire series. /// Default value is false. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public bool ShowDataLabelsRange { get; set; } ////// Gets or sets string separator used for the data labels of the entire series. /// The default is a comma, except for pie charts showing only category name and percentage, when a line break /// shall be used instead. ///////// Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the ///property. ///public string Separator { get; set; } ////// Gets aninstance allowing to set number format for the data labels of the /// entire series. ///public ChartNumberFormat NumberFormat { get; set; }
Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Pie, 432, 252); Chart chart = shape.Chart; chart.Series.Clear(); ChartSeries series = chart.Series.Add("Series 1", new string[] { "Category1", "Category2", "Category3" }, new double[] { 2.7, 3.2, 0.8 }); ChartDataLabelCollection labels = series.DataLabels; labels.ShowPercentage = true; labels.ShowValue = true; labels.ShowLeaderLines = false; labels.Separator = " - "; doc.Save(dir + "Demo.docx");
*Aspose.Words现已加入“8月省钱式嗨购”,满额即送office 365正版授权,想要购买Aspose.Words正版授权的朋友可了解详情哦~
强大的VS插件CodeRush已正式发布v24.2.3,新版本现在可以运行xUnit.Net v3测试等,欢迎下载最新版体验!
Spire.PDF 10.12.4 最新版本支持在进行多页打印时设置自动旋转方向。同时,一些已知问题也在本次更新中被成功修复,例如打印 PDF 文档时内容丢失的问题,欢迎下载体验~
日程安排控件dhtmlxScheduler v7.2全新发布,新版本增强并增加了编辑、修改等多个操作体验,欢迎下载最新版试用~
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