
图像处理控件Aspose.Imaging v20.3三大新功能上线!支持导出为DICOM文件格式

原创|产品更新|编辑:李显亮|2020-03-26 09:37:08.527|阅读 240 次

概述:近期发布了Aspose.Imaging for .NET v20.3,新增支持导出为DICOM文件格式和BMP文件格式的RLE8压缩,优化Tiff tile loaders,修复多处转换异常,欢迎下载体验。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

Aspose.Imaging for .NET一种高级图像处理控件,允许开发人员创建,编辑,绘制或转换图像。图像导出和转换是API核心功能之一,它允许在不安装Photoshop应用程序或任何其他图像编辑器的情况下保存为AdobePhotoshop®本机格式。


近期发布了Aspose.Imaging for .NET v20.3,新增支持导出为DICOM文件格式和BMP文件格式的RLE8压缩,优化Tiff tile loaders,修复多处转换异常,还没使用过的朋友可以点击下载最新版Aspose.Imaging


key 概述 类别
IMAGINGNET-3673 ImageSaveException:在批处理模式下使用API时,图像导出失败 功能
IMAGINGNET-3619 支持导出为DICOM文件格式 功能
IMAGINGNET-3534 支持BMP文件格式的RLE8压缩 功能
IMAGINGNET-3765 在Aspose.Imaging NetStandard中支持System.Drawing.Common v4.7 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3736 Aspose.Imaging 19.12创业许可证未应用于.webp图像 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3656 在.NET应用程序中旋转Tiff图像时出现内存不足异常 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3617 将CDR转换为Pdf的参数异常 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3604 Gif导出操作未正确应用于Gif多帧图像 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3594 jpg未正确转换为PNG 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3461 EMF未正确转换为PDF 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3662 Tiff瓷砖装载机的支持优化策略 增强功能
IMAGINGNET-3641 将PNG转换为JPG时,图像DPI不会更改 增强功能



//DICOM file format

//Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine is the standard for the communication and management of medical imaging information. DICOM is most commonly used for storing and transmitting //medical images in medical devices such as scanners, servers, printers and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). DICOM is used worldwide to store, exchange, and transmit //medical images.

//Various programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux can view DICOM files. DICOM uses the .DCM extension. These images can also be viewed online through certain web browsers. It is only //compatible using Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Internet Explorer with the Google Chrome Frame extension installed.
//Why to use DICOM?

//DICOM provides a well-tested and widely accepted foundation for Medical Image Management. The advantages of using DICOM:

   //Makes medical imaging information interoperable.
   //Integrates image-acquisition devices, PACS, workstations, VNAs and printers from different manufacturers.
   //Is actively developed and maintained to meet the evolving technologies and needs of medical imaging.
   //Is free to download and use.

//Convert JPEG to DICOM

//The next code sample converts JPEG image to DICOM file format:

using (var image = Image.Load("sample.jpg"))
   image.Save("sample.dcm", new DicomOptions());

//Image modifications

//You can use methods of the Image class to modify source image before export. For instance, you can resize and rotate the image:

using (var image = Image.Load("sample.jpg"))
   image.Resize(300, 300);
   image.Save("sample.dcm", new DicomOptions());

//Convert multipage images to DICOM

//DICOM format supports multipage images. You can convert GIF or TIFF images to DICOM in the same way as JPEG images:

using (var image = Image.Load("animation.gif"))
   image.Save("animation.dcm", new DicomOptions());

//Export all DICOM pages to JPEG

//In case if you need to extract all the pages from DICOM file you can use the next code. It creates separate JPEG file for each DICOM page:

using (var image = (DicomImage)Image.Load("animation.dcm"))
   for (var index = 0; index < image.Pages.Length; index++) { var page = image.Pages[index]; page.Save($"Page {index}.jpeg", new JpegOptions()); } }

IMAGINGNET-3736 Aspose.Imaging 19.12创业许可证不适用于.webp图像

//Bugs with using VentureLicense in Webp format fixed.

//Please, remove license before execute this example.

           string fileName = "asposenet_577_src01.webp";
           string basePath = "D:";
           string inputFileName = Path.Combine(basePath, fileName);
           string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".webp";
           using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage) Image.Load(inputFileName))
               LicenseVenture(image, true);

           string fileName = "asposenet_577_src01.webp";
           string basePath = "D:";
           string inputFileName = Path.Combine(basePath, fileName);
           string outputFileName = Path.Combine(basePath, "false_" + fileName + ".webp");
           using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage) Image.Load(inputFileName))

IMAGINGNET-3534 支持BMP文件格式的RLE8压缩

 string inputFilePath = "1.bmp";
           using (BmpImage image = (BmpImage)Image.Load(inputFilePath))
               // PDF
                PdfOptions pdfExportOptions = new PdfOptions();
                pdfExportOptions.PdfDocumentInfo = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Pdf.PdfDocumentInfo();

                image.Save("1.pdf", pdfExportOptions);

               // PNG
                PngOptions pngExportOptions = new PngOptions();
                image.Save("1.png", pngExportOptions, new Rectangle(28, 28, 200, 200));

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