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概述:如果您有SQL Compare,那么SQL Snapper实用程序对于某些团队活动来说是非常有价值的“额外”功能,因为它可以自由分发。这意味着任何开发人员都可以从其本地工作站上的数据库创建SQL比较快照,并将其存储在网络上。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
SQL Compar是一款比较和同步SQL Server数据库结构的工具。现有超过150,000的数据库管理员、开发人员和测试人员在使用它。当测试本地数据库,暂存或激活远程服务器的数据库时,SQL Compare将分配数据库的过程自动化。
您将在SQL Compare安装目录中找到RedGate.SQLSnapper.exe(类似于C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Red Gate \ SQL Compare xx,其中xx是您当前的SQL Compare版本)。SQL Snapper有自己的交互式GUI,您也许可能更可能从脚本中使用它。
如何分发SQL Snapper?
从PowerShell运行snapper并不难。基本上,如果您很幸运并且对服务器具有Windows身份验证,并且不必太担心理解错误,则可以执行此操作(实际别名取决于您当前的SQL Compare版本):
Set-Alias Snapper "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\Redgate.SQLSnapper.exe" Snapper /server:MyServerOrInstance /database:MyDatabase /MakeSnapshot:"$env:HOMEDRIVE$env:HOMEPATH\documents\MyDatabase.snp" if ($?) { "successfully produced snapshot of MyDatabase" }或者,如果您需要SQL Server身份验证:
Set-Alias Snapper "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\Redgate.SQLSnapper.exe" Snapper /server:MyServerOrInstance /database:MyDatabase /MakeSnapshot:"$env:HOMEDRIVE$env:HOMEPATH\documents\MyDatabase.snp" /username:MyUserName /password:MySecretPassword if ($?) { "successfully produced snapshot of MyDatabase" }
Set-Alias Snapper "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\Redgate.SQLSnapper.exe" $ErrorMeanings = #all the possible snapper errors. @{ "0" = "Success"; "1" = "General error"; "3" = "Illegal argument duplication" ; "8" = "Unsatisfied argument dependency";; "32" = "Value out of range" ; "33" = "Value overflow"; "34" = "Invalid value"; "64" = "Command line usage error" ; "65" = "Data error"; "69" = "Resource unavailable"; "70" = "An unhandled exception occurred" ; "73" = "Failed to create report"; "74" = "I/O error"; "77" = "Insufficient permission" ; "126" = "SQL Server error"; "130" = "Ctrl-Break"; } #to get help with the CLI for Snapper try # snapper /verbose /? ,#-----We need to fill in these four essential parameters ------ $SourceServer = 'MyServerOrInstance' # the name of the server or instance $SourceDatabase = 'MyDatabase' # the name of the database $username='MyUserName' # leave blank if Windows Authentication # and finally the name of the database $snapshotLocation = "$env:HOMEDRIVE$env:HOMEPATH\documents\$SourceDatabase.snp" <# Snapper over-writes existing Snapshot file #> <# we'll do splatting because this makes it easier to add credentials when necessary #> $AllArgs = @{ 'server' = "$SourceServer"; 'Database' = "$SourceDatabase"; 'makesnapshot' = "$snapshotLocation" } if ($username -ne '') #then it is using SQL Server Credentials { # we see if we've got these stored already $SqlEncryptedPasswordFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\$($username)-$SourceServer.xml" # test to see if we know about the password in a secure string stored in the user area if (Test-Path -path $SqlEncryptedPasswordFile -PathType leaf) { #has already got this set for this login so fetch it $SqlCredentials = Import-CliXml $SqlEncryptedPasswordFile } else #then we have to ask the user for it (once only) { # hasn't got this set for this login $SqlCredentials = get-credential -Credential $UserName # Save in the user area $SqlCredentials | Export-CliXml -Path $SqlEncryptedPasswordFile <# Export-Clixml only exports encrypted credentials on Windows. otherwise it just offers some obfuscation but does not provide encryption. #> } #now add the credentials to SQL Snapper $AllArgs += @{ 'username' = "$($SqlCredentials.UserName)"; 'password' = "$($SqlCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().password)" } } Snapper @allArgs if ($?) { "successfully produced snapshot of $SourceServer.$SourceDatabase in $snapshotLocation " } else { #if there was an error of some sort $SoFarSoGood = $false; $SQLCompareError = "SQK Snapper had an error creating snapshot of $SourceServer.$SourceDatabase in $snapshotLocation ! (code $LASTEXITCODE) - $( $ErrorMeanings."$lastexitcode")" Write-warning $SQLCompareError }
如果您的环境不鼓励使用PowerShell脚本,或者出于安全原因禁止使用PowerShell脚本,则完全可以使用批处理文件来运行SQL Snapper。
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\Redgate.SQLSnapper.exe" /server:%sourceServer% /database:%SourceDatabase% %SourceSQLSnapperCredentials% /Makesnapshot:%SnapShotPath%
@echo off VERIFY errors 2>nul SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS Set outcome=did our best if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo could not set local execution environment goto bombsite ) Rem set Source to the database you wish to take a snapshot of Set SourceDatabase=MyDatabase Rem Set SourceServer to the name of the server or instance containing this database Set SourceServer=MyServerOrInstance Rem Specify where you would like to save the snapshot file Set SnapShotPath="%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\documents\%SourceDatabase%.snp" Rem We now to check if you have provided credentials REM before you start. You need to write out your SQLCMD credentials to a file in your user rem area using code like this, ONLY if you use SQL Server Credentials. Rem so uncomment these next six lines if you need credentials and fill in your server credentials Rem echo MyUserID/MyPassword>%userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLSnapper.txt Rem if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( Rem echo Could not write Source Credentials REM goto bombsite REM ) rem REM read in your Source SQLCMD command and credentials if you have any if exist %userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLSnapper.txt ( Set /p SourceCredentials=<%userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLSnapper.txt if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo Could not read in Source Credentials goto bombsite ) ) Rem Parse the source credentials into two variables set "Sourceuid=%SourceCredentials:/=" & set "SourcePw=%" REM credentials are presented in two different ways by the CLI apps Set SourcesqlcmdCredentials= /U %Sourceuid% /P %SourcePw% Set SourceSQLSnapperCredentials= /username:%Sourceuid% /Password:%SourcePw% REM Set source credentials correctly for windows security IF NOT DEFINED SourceCredentials ( Set SourcesqlcmdCredentials = set SourceSQLSnapperCredentials = ) echo Creating Snapshot from database %SourceDatabase% on %sourceServer% as %Source "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\Redgate.SQLSnapper.exe" /server:%sourceServer% /database:%SourceDatabase% %SourceSQLSnapperCredentials% /Makesnapshot:%SnapShotPath% SET outcome=created snapshot %SnapShotPath% from %SourceDatabase% on %sourceServer% if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo Could not create snapshot goto bombsite ) goto end :bombsite REM This is where the program goes if a problem is detected color 04 Echo Sadly, we failed, though we %outcome%! echo on ENDLOCAL color Exit /b 1 :end REM This is where we go if all ended well. Echo we %outcome% and finished successfully ENDLOCAL echo on Exit /b 0
文章转载自:本文探讨 SQL Server 中 NULL 和空值之间的区别,并讨论如何有效地处理它们。
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