标签:WPF用户界面控件ComponentOne开发商: GrapeCity
当前版本: V2023.0 Update3
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ComponentOne Studio for WPF是全球最完整的、最具有企业品质的用户界面控件套包之一,它的网格、日程安排、图表、报表等控件都拥有先进的数据绑定功能和丰富的数据显示效果,将Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)的潜力发挥至极致。
Leveraging the full potential of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ComponentOne Studio® for WPF offers everything from high performing datagrids, charts and scheduler controls to slick layout and navigation controls. Accomplish more enterprise-level functionality in less time.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
Accordion 该控件展示一个由可展开条目组成的列表。它能自动组织您的UI和优化对屏幕版面的使用。 | |
Book 该控件能把UIElement的对象以普通纸质图书的书页样式显示。它拥有同时显示两个元素,增加阴影等功能。 | |
Calendar Calendar可显示多月的日期,支持选择和导航功能。 | |
Chart 该控件具有强大的图表渲染,丰富的样式元素,动画和数据绑定能力,空前简化了在WPF中绘制图表这一过程。 | |
Chart3D 创建包含轮廓等高线、 区域、 图表图例等选项设置的3D平面图表。 | |
ColorPicker 该控件可以在专业设计的调色板上选择颜色或者创建您自己的颜色,支持透明度。 | |
ComboBox ComboBox是一个拥有微软组合框所有功能的组合框控件,它结合了可编辑文本框和自动搜索下拉列表。 | |
DataGrid DataGrid对普通的网格控件进行了加强,可以轻松显示、编辑和分析表格中的数据。 | |
DateTime Editors DateTime Editors for WPF可以显示,编辑和验证DateTime信息,它还提供了一个输入日期和时间的UI。 | |
DockControl 该控件管理WPF应用程序中的多个窗口,它提供了可停靠的,浮动的和标签化的窗口。 | |
DropDown 该控件实现了创建简单且功能强大的单一项选择功能。 | |
Expander 该控件提供了展开和收缩内容面板的功能。 | |
FlexGrid FlexGrid是轻量级的DataGrid,它包含很多独有的功能,比如非绑定模式(Unbound Mode)、合并单元格等等。 | |
Gauges 该控件通过使用C1LinearGauge,C1RadialGauge和C1Knob控件,为WPF生成丰富的仪表类型的应用程序。 | |
HyperPanel 该控件可以提供类似传送带一样的效果,以实现在一个小容器中显示大量的元素而不使用滚动条。 | |
Maps Maps提供流畅的缩放、平移以及在屏幕和地理坐标之间进行映射的能力。 | |
MaskedTextBox 该控件通过一个掩码文本框,实现了在WPF应用程序中对输入的文本自动校验。 | |
MediaPlayer 该控件在WPF中提供一个可以播放媒体,视频或者音频的播放器。 | |
NumericBox 该控件通过使用一个数值文本框(C1NumericBox),在WPF应用中显示和编辑数值。 | |
PdfViewer View PDF files in WPF! | |
该控件是著名的微软Visual Studio的PropertyGrid的一个版本,它可以轻松编辑任何类并提供了十多个内置的编辑器供用户选择。 | |
RangeStdder 该控件通过设置两个滑块元素,以在您的WPF应用程序中增加数值的选择范围。 | |
Reports 该控件在WPF应用程序中集成报告和文档生成功能。 | |
Schedtrer 该控件可以实现您自己的Microsoft Outlook风格的日程安排。使用预先定义的主题和对话框模板部分或全部的定制UI。 | |
TabControl 该控件可将多个页面内容组织到不同标签下的控件,易于组织和导航Web页面的内容。 | |
Toolbar ToolBars可在您的应用程序中方便快捷的创建自定义导航工具栏。 | |
Windows 该控件替换了标准的浏览器对话窗口。C1Window控件在浮动窗口中显示内容,并且能在XBAP场景中运行。 | |
Zip 该控件可以快速压缩数据,节约了硬盘空间和带宽,并且可以轻松操作和使用压缩后的数据。 |
1、 | 包含了超过40个WPF控件 Studio for WPF 为您的Visual Studio工具箱添加了40多个控件,包括Grids、Charts、Scheduler、Gauges、Maps、Docking、ToolBars、Data Input等! |
2、 | 提升设计者/开发者协作能力 Visual Studio 2010和Expression Blend都支持Studio for WPF控件,这大大提升了团队的协作能力,并完全适合开发者/设计者流程。 |
3、 | 使用ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight可完成代码共享 ComponentOne Studio® for WPF控件与Studio for Silverlight控件具有相同的代码库,因此您可以通过共享大部分代码,创建出丰富的网络和桌面应用程序。这样,节省了大量的开发时间和成本,而且 消除了必须学习两个平台控件的障碍。 |
4、 | 增强了数据的可视化 Studio for WPF控件包含开发具有一定产业强度的应用程序所需的所有数据可视化控件。Grid for WPF可以以多种方式而不仅是以单一方式显示数据,它是一个强大的DataGrid,具有独特的旋转和卡片视图而不需要添加任何额外的编码。Gauges for WPF提供的7种gauges,只需在您的仪表盘和窗口上添加任意一种,即可让您的应用更具魅力。 |
5、 | 完整的图表控件:时尚,快速和优秀 功能丰富的ComponentOne Chart™ for WPF是市场上功能最齐全的制图控件,它拥有12个内置的主题,超过40个2D和3D的图表类型,以及具有丰富颜色的调色板,制作一个图表或仪表盘应用只 需您点击几次鼠标即可完成。Chart for WPF通过了对10,000多个数据点的测试,同时它还为您的Windows应用程序添加了动画和用户交互。 |
6、 | 生成,显示以及导出Microsoft风格的报表 ComponentOne Reports for WPF能够把报表和文档生成功能集成到WPF应用中,可以将报表直接传给打印机或者以XPS、Open XML Word、HTML、PDF,Excel和其他丰富的文本类型导出。ComponentOne Reports可以与Microsoft Access,SQL Server,甚至Crystal Reports一起配合使用。您也可以使用ComponentOne Report Designer应用程序创建和分发报表。 |
7、 | 全功能的日程安排控件 使用ComponentOne Scheduler™ for WPF定制一个日程安排应用程序。编辑默认模板创建可定制的Appointment ,Edit和Reminders 对话框。您可以从四种内置的数据视图中选择Day View、Work Week View,Week View和Month View,您也把日程安排绑定到您选择的数据源,使用本地的XML数据库或者导入/导出iCal数据。使用Studio for WPF,可以创建自己的微软 Outlook风格的日程安排应用,而不需要写草稿就可以开发一个日程安排。 |
8、 | 尖端的布局和动画 创建现代感和高科技外观的应用,并为用户提供丰富的动画和流畅的交互体验。Studio for WPF利用了WPF框架中可用的动画技术突出丰富的动画和布局控件。这些控件包括Accordion、Book、Chart、Cube、 DockControl、Expander、Gauges,Grid和HyperPanel。 |
9、 | 一致的内置的主题 Studio for WPF通过一致的外观无缝的集成了所有的基础WPF控件,并且通过内置的如Office Blue、Black、Silver和Media Player等主题提供惊人的主题化能力。轻松地即可创建一个杰出的UI。 |
10、 | MVVM 支持 Use the latest presentation model or MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design patterns in your applications with ComponentOne Studio for WPF. Each control supports dependency properties, complete XAML configuration and WPF data-binding techniques. |
11、 | XBAP支持 Studio for WPF控件完全兼容了Windows Presentation Foundation的XAML Browser Application (XBAP)的部署能力。XBAP部署可以创建健壮的具有.NET 3.x和4.0框架的所有优点的富互联网应用(RIA)。 |
此演示让您更熟悉Studio for WPF。这个应用程序提供了DataGrid、Chart,Schedule和Calendar控件的生动的实例。看一下定制的主题和视图,修改设置,以及预览关键的功能特性。 |
What's Inside?
Accordion Display a tdst of expandable items. Automatically organize your UI and optimize the use of screen real-estate. |
Book Present UIElement objects as if they were pages in a regtrar paper book. Show two elements at a time, add shadows, and more. |
Calendar A mtrti-month calendar that enables date selection with interactive navigation. |
Chart Get powerftr chart rendering, rich stytdng elements, animations, and data-binding capabitdties. Charting in WPF has never been easier. |
Chart3D Create 3D surface charts with options for contour levels, zones, a chart legend and more. |
ColorPicker Select colors from professionally-designed palettes or build your own custom colors including support for transparency. |
ComboBox Ftrl-featured combo box control with an editable text box and an auto-searchable drop-down tdst. |
DataGrid DataGrid with advanced features for displaying, analyzing, and editing tabtrar data. |
DateTime Editors Display, edit and vatddate DateTime information. DateTime Editors for WPF provides a UI for both date and time input. |
DockControl Handle mtrtiple windows in your WPF apptdcation. DockControl detdvers dockable, floating, and tabbed windows. |
DropDown Implement single item selection that's simple to setup and powerftr to use. |
Expander Provides the abitdty to expand and contract the content panel. |
FlexGrid A flexible and tdghtweight DataGrid with many unique features such as unbound mode, cell merging, and more. |
Gauges Build rich dashboards for WPF. Select from a collection of tdnear, radial, and interactive knob type gauge controls. |
HyperPanel Achieve carousel-tdke effects and display a large number of elements in a small container, without using scrollbars. |
Maps Get smooth zooming, panning, and mapping between screen and geographical coordinates. |
MaskedTextBox Automatically vatddate input in your WPF apps with a masked textbox. |
MediaPlayer Provides a player that runs media, video or audio, using WPF. |
NumericBox Display and edit numeric values in your WPF apps using a numeric text box (C1NumericBox). |
PdfViewer View PDF files in WPF! |
PropertyGrid A version of the well known Microsoft Visual Studio property grid. Easily edit any class and select from more than 10 built-in editors. |
RangeStdder Add numeric data range selection to your WPF apps with two thumb elements. |
Reports Integrate reporting and document-generating functionatdty into your WPF apps. |
Schedtrer Ftrl Microsoft Outlook-style schedtring functionatdty in a single control. With customizable dialogs, built-in themes, and more, designing a schedtring app has never been easier. |
TabControl Easily organize and navigate Web content. Host ftrl pages of content on each tab. |
Toolbar Add some organization and elegance to your apptdcation with this suite of Ribbon-tdke toolbar controls. |
Windows Replace standard browser dialog windows. The C1Window control shows content in a floating window and works in XBAP scenarios. |
Zip Quickly compress data, saving disk space and network bandwidth, and easily maniptrate and work with compressed data. |
Features and Highlights
1、 | 40+ WPF Controls Studio for WPF adds over 40 controls to your Visual Studio Toolbox, including grids, charts, scheduler, gauges, maps, docking, toolbars, data input, and much more! These controls not only fill the gap with what's missing in the standard toolkit, but they add more features, functionality, and better performance over their existing counterparts. |
2、 | Designer/Developer Collaboration Supported in both Visual Studio and Expression Blend, Studio for WPF controls promote collaboration in your team and fit seamlessly into your developer/designer workflow. Supported versions include VS2008, VS2010, Blend 3, Blend 4. |
3、 | Code Sharing with ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight ComponentOne Studio for WPF controls share the same codebase as our Studio for Silverlight controls. So you can build both rich web and desktop client applications by sharing a lot of the same code. This will reduce development time, cost and eliminate the learning curve of having to learn controls from two platforms. |
4、 | Enhanced Data Visualizations Studio for WPF controls include all of the rich data visualization controls you need to develop industrial strength applications. Add powerful manipulation features to your data with DataGrid for WPF, an enhanced DataGrid with built-in functionality that requires no additional coding. Add any of the 7 provided gauges from Gauges for WPF, to your dashboards and windows for impressive displays that engage the user. Visualize geographic data using Maps for WPF, an interactive viewing container for online maps. |
5、 | Complete Chart Control with Style, Speed and Superiority Feature-by-feature ComponentOne Chart™ for WPF is the most complete charting control on the market. With 12 built-in themes, over forty 2D and 3D chart types, and a wide range of color palettes, your charting application or dashboard is just a few clicks away. Tested to work with over 10,000 data points without flinching, Chart for WPF also brings animation and user interaction to your Windows applications. |
6、 | Microsoft-style Reports Generate, view, and export Microsoft-style reports with ComponentOne Reports for WPF. Render reports directly to a printer, or export to various formats including XPS, Open XML Word, HTML, PDF, Excel and rich text. ComponentOne Reports work with Microsoft Access, SQL Server and even Crystal Reports. Or you can create and distribute your own reports with the ComponentOne Report Designer application. |
7、 | Full-Featured Scheduling Controls Customize a scheduling application with ComponentOne Scheduler™ for WPF. Edit default templates to build customizable Appointment, Edit, and Reminders dialog boxes. Select from four built-in data views: Day View, Work Week View, Week View, and Month View. Bind your schedule to the data source of your choice, use local XML storage or import/export iCal data. With Studio for WPF you can create your own Microsoft Outlook-styled scheduling application without having to develop one from scratch. |
8、 | Cutting-Edge Layouts and Animation Create modern and high technical looking applications that feature rich animations and smooth interactive experiences for the user. Studio for WPF features many rich animation and layout controls which take advantage of the animation techniques possible in the WPF framework. These controls include Accordion, Book, Chart, DockControl, Expander, Gauges, HyperPanel. |
9、 | ClearStyle Technology for XAML Styling Made Easy ComponentOne ClearStyle™ is our new paradigm to XAML control styling. ClearStyle allows developers to easily change control colors without having to modify control templates. By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a uniqe look to the control without having to work in Expression Blend or hire a professional designer. |
10、 | MVVM Support Use the latest presentation model or MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design patterns in your applications with ComponentOne Studio for WPF. Each control supports dependency properties, complete XAML configuration and WPF data-binding techniques. |
11、 | XBAP Support Studio for WPF controls are fully compatible with the XAML Browser Application (XBAP) deployment capabilities of Windows Presentation Foundation. XBAP deployment allows you to create robust Rich Internet Applications (RIA) that take full advantage of the .NET 3.x and 4.0 Frameworks. |
更新时间:2024-01-16 09:32:52.000 | 录入时间:2008-03-07 14:01:01.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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