
Bindows (产品编号:11803)



开发商: MB Technologie

当前版本: 4.5 beta



平台语言:DHTML / JavaScript


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* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。

  Bindows对Section-508 (ADA)标准提供了非常好的支持。Bindows拥有强大的工业级工具,是Section-508规则兼容的政府网站和应用程序的最佳选择。



  • 基于类进行设计的,完全面向对象的API
  • 提供一个包括菜单、表格、网格、滑动条、度量器等大量修饰挂件,可以使用这些资源生成一个完整的视窗系统。
  • 为开发“零空间占用”的SOA客户端应用程序而设计的,非常优秀的工具包
  • 对标准的XML、SOAP以及XML-RPC支持
  • 从单个用户到企业级别的支持


  • 支持企业级的项目
  • 对跨浏览器和跨平台的支持
  • 与服务器端开发语言无关的独立架构
  • 对于新资源与现有资源的通用性
  • 完全一致的开发方式



  • 丰富型、可自定义、具备与桌面程序类似的GUI控件
  • 无需安装,直接在任何一个标准的浏览器中即可运行
  • 没有使用某种浏览器独有的技术、运行时引擎或插件,完美的跨浏览器支持


  • 服务器端 - 任何服务器端开发语言均可使用(Bindows在Java、.NET、PHP等开发语言上都使用)
  • 后台 - 任何后台硬件与后台软件
  • 操作系统 - 能在任何操作系统上使用(只要它包含了被支持的浏览器)
  • 语言 - 支持所有语言。Bindows支持Unicode
  • 浏览器 - 支持绝大多数浏览器(例如,Internet Explorer 5.5以及更高版本、Mozilla 1.4以及更高版本、Netscape 7.1以及更高版本、Firefox、K-Meleon和Camino)

XML与Web Services 
Bindows应用程序根据XML数据进行定义并支持标准的SOAP Web Services。

  • 与Web Service的完美搭配
  • 支持客户端图表制作,并且可调整大小以及让它具有动画效果
    • 柱状与条状图表
    • 圆盘型图表
    • 线型图表
    • 堆叠式条状图表
  • 能轻易地实现应用程序的国际化,包括运用具有用户本地语言的操作系统

Bindows Demo

Bindows Quick Demo

This Bindows application demonstrates our Windows look and feel - inside a browser.

The application loads almost all the components included in the Bindows API (a very rich Bindows application), however, notice the short load time.

Click on the Switch Theme to change the application's theme. Try right-clicking in various places, resizing (see the effect on the graphics and gauge), also try typing in various languages in the input fields.

InfiView - Flight Browser demo
 is a Bindows-powered software platform for developing interactive & infinite Ajax graphical maps and diagrams. One of InfiView's strengths is its ability to show subsets of large contents of data in an efficient way by swapping data in and out of memory. The Flight Browser demo demonstrates InfiView's ability to integrate with third party components (in this case - Google Maps). The Flight Browser demo shows randomized airline routes between airports.
Advanced Gauges
The Bindows BiGauge2 class library is a set of classes used for creating advanced and dynamic gauges that can contain several ranges, scales, dynamic updatable needles and more.

It also has classes for creating advanced gradient fillings, backgrounds and image backgrounds.

Since gauges are created using vector graphics it is possible to dynamically update almost every property of a gauge, including the needles. This makes it possible to present near to real-time updates in gauges.

Animation Demo

This demo demonstrates some of the capabilities of the Bindows animation library. Moving the mouse over the top buttons causes the thumbnail of the components on the left side to pulsate. Clicking on the same buttons expands the components and move them into the work area.

The speed can be adjusted with the slider on the right side. The ticker speed can also be controlled by the slider, located above it. The current frame number is displayed by listening to a frameprogression event.

When the ticker animation is fully displayed - the text "animation end" is displayed and then fades out. The ticker animation can be paused, started and rewinded with two small buttons next to it.

Finally, when you move the mouse over the logo it blinks a few times.

Graphical Links API
The Graphical Links API - BiLink API enables drawing of graphical links (lines and arrows) that join elements. The properties of the links, including color, width and style, can be customized. The basic task of the API is to manage the anchoring of the link to the elements.
InfiView - Live Flow

Live animated flow between multiple elements.

Try to:

  • Drop elements on the map (from the left pane).
  • Connect elements (click on the link icon).
  • Try various types of edges (connectors), select from the drop-down.
InfiView - Network Topology with Layers

Multiple networks displayed using our Layers technology.

Try to:

  • Drop elements on the map (from the left pane).
  • Connect elements using Right-Angle or Straight style connectors.
  • Move the slider (bottom of screen) to change the display.
  • Select elements in a network (Select tool, then select an area), now change the layout (Ballon, Tree).
InfiView - 40,000 Interactive Nodes

Showing how InfiView can present in a browser, a large data set, stored on a remote server, while enabling users interaction.


  • Display a graphical representation of a computer network with 40,000 nodes representing various network elements (servers, routers) connected with links
  • Show two viewports, each showing different parts of the data
  • Each viewport can be independently panned and zoomed
  • Network elements can be moved (drag with the mouse)
  • New links can be created
  • Links can be created between nodes in different viewports

更新时间:2013-08-21 16:14:07.000 | 录入时间:2008-09-19 16:01:07.000 | 责任编辑:

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