开发商: infragistics
当前版本: 2012 v1
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利用强大的Silverlight功能实现丰富的、高级的可视化数据。 Infragistics NetAdvantage Silverlight for Silverlight Data Visualization可让你创建多样式的用户界面控件,其中包括三维地图,可交互的仪表盘,可绘制的时间轴和动态图形。使用Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization套包控件,您可以建立丰富的仪表盘,可视化业务数据,和使决策者提供一个工具集来简化你的商业信息。
Achieve rich, advanced data visualization that leverages the sophisticated capabilities of Silverlight. Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization lets you create stylable user interface controls for geospatial mapping, interactive gauges, graphical timelines and animated charting. With Infragistics NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization you can build rich dashboards, visualize business data and empower decision-makers with a toolset for simplifying the presentation of your business intelligence.
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NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization套包全面的收集了用户界面控件,它可以建立丰富的仪表盘,使决策者轻松的获取可视化业务数据。开发人员可以快速创建高端的BI应用程序,这中间无需编写大量的代码,您就可以清清楚楚的查看当前的数据。NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization提供给开发人员的控件,在非示意图方式上简化了大量信息的直观表示。
NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization包含了高级的xamWebMap地图,它读取实际工业标准的.shp点阵文件,以常见地图形式,呈现给用户丰富的地理信息,并能通过设置应用程序来了解整个世界。
Silverlight提供了高端、高性能的基于Web的数据可视化用户体验-NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization控件最大限度地利用了Silverlight浏览器插件的反应能力来动态反应给用户(如在浏览器中拖动仪表指针),卸载从服务器端到客户端的普通处理,并尽量减少客户端到服务器之间的网络传输导致的更大反应能力和可扩展性。
在现有的ASP.NET应用程序中创建“Islands of Richness ”-NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization控件使ASP.NET开发人员能够轻松嵌入可交互的区域和丰富的样式,这样正常需求纳入现有的可视化数据的Web应用程序或作为SharePoint WebParts 。丰富的群岛使在ASP.NET中的现有投资增加,以逐步提高Silverlight来适应需求,然而在数据可视化方案中使用Silverlight能取得最大的回报。
当前发布的NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization 2009 v1 包含以下控件,它们是基于Silverlight 2浏览器插件:
Infragistics xamWebMap –在丰富和可交互的地图中,当前最终用户的商业信息数据具有平移,缩放,鼠标悬停效果和工具提示等功能。
Infragistics xamWebChart -丰富的可视化数据可以适应任何场合,可以用Silverlight控件的样式来丰富SharePoint WebPart或ASP.NET应用程序。支持动画效果,情节串联图板,数据绑定和拥有28种图表类型
Infragistics xamWebGauge-使用xamWebGauge强大的设计和丰富的客户端事件,创建可交互的,高性能的业务记分卡和信息仪表盘
Infragistics xamWebTimeline -能使用户快速理解和想象一连串的事件。这些事件可能是历史事件,说明了一些业务处理或工作流程、项目的里程碑、视频编辑中的关键帧,再或者代表任何时间序列数据。用户可以在时间轴内选择内容,以显示更大程度的详细的时间表元素。
Infragistics xamWebZoombar -缩放工具条能嵌入其他Silverlight的控件-如图表、地图或时间轴。在结合其他控件的情况下,它提供了一个直观的用户界面来动态调整数据视图的缩放比例。它是理想的用户界面元素,可以根据用户需要,放大或缩小您的可视化数据区域。
NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization is a comprehensive collection of user interface controls to build rich dashboards, visualize business data and empower decision makers. Developers can quickly create high-end BI applications without writing a lot of code. You can present data clearly and cleanly. NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization gives developers controls that simplify the visual representation of large quantities of information in non-schematic ways.
NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization includes the sophisticated mapping of xamWebMap that reads de facto industry-standard shape files (.shp) to present rich geographical information in familiar map form to users, and opens the world to them through your applications.
Embrace Silverlight features for high-end, high performance Web-based data visualization experiences - NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization controls take maximum advantage of the Silverlight browser plug-in’s capabilities to dynamically react to the user (such as dragging the gauge needle within the browser), off-load what would ordinarily be server-side processing to the client, and minimize client-to-server network traffic leading to greater responsiveness and scalability.
Create “Islands of Richness” in existing ASP.NET applications - NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization controls empower ASP.NET developers to easily embed regions of interactivity and rich styling for normally graphically-demanding data visualizations into existing Web applications or as SharePoint WebParts. Islands of richness enable existing investments in ASP.NET to incrementally enhanced Silverlight as needed, where the use of Silverlight delivers the greatest payback such as in data visualization scenarios.
This inaugural release of NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization 2009 Volume 1 features the following controls for the Silverlight 2 browser plug-in:
Infragistics xamWebMap - Present end users with your business intelligence data in rich and interactive maps featuring panning, zooming, mouseover effects and tooltips.
Modularly constructed around the following key components:
Reads maps in the de facto industry-standard shape file (.shp) format. Displays shapefiles that are polygon, polyline or point-based, and allows programmatic customization of what is displayed to the end user.
Infragistics xamWebChart - Rich data visualization can fit into any scene, SharePoint WebPart or legacy ASP.NET application (as an island of richness) with this stylable Silverlight control that supports animation, storyboards, data binding and 28 chart types.
Infragistics xamWebGauge- Create highly interactive, high performance business scorecards and information dashboards using the xamWebGauge’s astonishing designability and client-side interactivity.
Infragistics xamWebTimeline - Enable users to quickly understand and visualize a sequence of events. These events may be historical events, steps in the narrative of some business process or workflow, project milestones, key frames in a video being edited, or a representation of any time-series data. Users can select elements in the timeline to display a greater level of detail about that timeline element.
Infragistics xamWebZoombar - The zoom bar plugs into other Silverlight controls – like the chart, map or timeline – to provide an intuitive user interface for dynamically scaling and scrolling an associated control’s view of data. It is the ideal user interface element for use when your users need to zoom-in or zoom-out of your data visualizations.
更新时间:2014-02-19 11:06:02.000 | 录入时间:2009-04-09 10:22:26.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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