标签:WindowsEditor开发商: Multi Edit Software
当前版本: v11.04
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Multi-Edit (ME2k8)(ME2k8) 只要你能想到的功能,它都能尽快帮你实现。此编辑器拥有强大的IDE接口,具有快速、深入的特性,另外它还具有固定的端口,并且能支持50多种语言。 您可以在线开发和使用它。
Multi-Edit (ME2k8) implements solutions as fast as you can think them. It is a powerful IDE, with its speed, depth, uncompromising access, and support for over 50 languages. Think it, build it, keep it in line.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
作为一种顶级程序编辑器,ME为使用者提供了一种单一的环境,使其能控制所有VCS和编译程序,另外还能同时整合您现有的RAD环境,无需剪切和粘贴您编辑器之间的代码。通过点击鼠标右键就能够获得语言参考向导。加上Scooter Software中的BCDiffer,ME提高了其文件对比实用性。ME也包含了Evolve XBase AddOn和Polystyle代码格式化程序。ME增强了搜索功能,如Perl 5,也提高了UNIXUNIX Regular Expression 支持和新定义了搜索过滤器。
ME拥有最好的配置和最快的搜索替换引擎。可以搜索多个文件,文件夹,目录和驱动器。支持用常规表达方式精确参数值的功能。逐步按照你输入的内容来查找本文。一旦搜索到你需要的文本,它会将其在整个文件中高亮显示出来。文件同步整合了以下内容:Delphi 6, 7, 2005, C++Builder 6, BDS 2006和RadStudio 2007, VB 6, VC 6, VS 2003 & VS 2005。准确地整合了TopStyle,CSE Validator,HTML Tidy,Beyond Compare等。ME支持DOS/Windows操作系统和,UNIX,binary、Macintosh文件。
A top tier program editor, ME provides a single environment in which you can control all your VCS programs and compilers, and at the same time integrate with your existing RAD environment. Never cut-and-paste your code between editors again. Have access to language reference guides as close as your right mouse button. With the addition of BCDiffer, by Scooter Software, ME received a boost to its file compare utility. ME also includes the Evolve XBase AddOn and Polystyle code formatter. MEs enhanced search function includes Perl 5 and UNIX Regular Expression support and new definable Search Filters. ME has one of the most configurable and fastest search and replace engines. Search across multiple files, folders, directories, and drives. Define the perfect parameter with regular expression support. Find text as you type incrementally. Once your text is found, its highlighted throughout the entire file. File Sync Integration for: Delphi 6, 7, 2005, C++Builder 6, BDS 2006 and RadStudio 2007, VB 6, VC 6, VS 2003 & VS 2005. Seamless integration with TopStyle, CSE Validator, HTML Tidy, Beyond Compare, and more. ME supports large DOS/Windows, UNIX, binary and Macintosh files. With ME2k8 your keyboard mappings and menus are fully customizable. Change fonts, colors, screen layout, and toolbar's, from one easy interface. Most dialogs are also resizable. ME enlists a bookmark feature to help ease the transition between editing positions in a file. Jump back and forth between different positions effortlessly with the Bookmark feature. Collapse code that you do not need to review, to further speed up your file browsing. Collapse tags and functions (This feature is dependent on the programming language, see our complete feature listing for more details). Start programming better and faster today with ME2k8.
Visual tabs and spaces |
Edit up to 2048 files at a time |
Tip of the day dialog providing Multi-Edit usage tips and tricks |
Revert to saved file option |
XP style dialogs |
File lists with filter support |
Define, Call and Paste from an extended 'Paste Buffer' dialog |
Create up to 99 User definable named bookmarks |
Code beautifying with Polystyle:
Enhanced XBase support with Evolve for Windows |
Direct integration with several common compilers. VCS systems, and IDEs
Try out file comparing at its finest with the inclusion of BCDiffer by Scooter Software |
Support for PC, UNIX/Linux, and Macintosh line terminators, even within a single file |
Resizable, Roving, and Floatable - Dialogs and Tool Bars |
Telnet and FTP support |
External program integration |
"On-the-fly" text template expansion |
100,000 word spell checker |
Syntax highlighting and color code printing |
Columnar fill and editing with math functions |
Customizable key mapping |
Project support |
HTML Toolbar |
Support for over 50 languages out of the box |
Three Regular Expression options including Perl 5.8 |
Up to 99 User definable named bookmarks |
Incredibly Fast, Search-Replace, File Find-Replace, and Hilite Dialog
Line/Box drawing support |
Line length limitation of 16k |
Multiple file selection |
Numerous editing fonts available |
ASCII Table |
Scientific calculator |
Built in Notebook |
CMac source and compiler included |
Session Manager |
Block Operations |
Line, block and column marking, with a simple right-click |
Marker stacks and Random Access Marks
Find lists |
VCS support |
File tagging |
9 User selectable Command Maps
Support for NT, XP and Vista environments |
Support for over 50 programming language |
Import/Export of templates, command maps and other features |
User definable search filters for more refined searching |
Code beautifying Support for:
Definable search filters now provide more refined search options |
Multi-Edit supports use of multiple monitor environments |
With ME you can easily display Tabs, Spaces & Virtual Spaces |
Direct integration with several of the most common compilers:
Preview your image files within Multi-Edit by calling the appropriate helper apps |
24bit color bitmap support has been added and toolbar buttons have been updated to reflect 24bit color bitmaps |
Complete Ruby language support has been added along with support for XML-style standalone tag termination |
Maximum number of editing windows has been increased to 2048 |
Multi-Edit's default compare engine has now been changed to use a licensed version of Scooter Software's Beyond Compare Differ engine |
New and improved Importing and Exporting functionality for easy sharing of languages, templates, macros and more between coworkers or working environments |
New CMac documentation updates including additional chapters and CMac tutorials provided within the CMac Help file |
Virtual space has been changed from the 0xFF to the 0x01 character which now resolves any Russian char issues |
More bug fixes, enhancements and implemented user requests for Multi-Edit can be found in the readme.txt file included with your installation |
TipWin support for C, C++, CMac and Delphi languages New tooltip windows used for displaying function definition
ME has function template expansion for C, C++ and CMac languages
Extensible support for fifty-one languages, with more being added
Support for PC, UNIX/Linux, and Macintosh line terminators, even within a single file
Resizable dialogs |
Native integration with Scooter Software's Beyond Compare
The Evolve Add-on integrated into every copy, completely free! |
Integration with the Trita source-code formatter
Updated Project and Session Manager Dialogs
Direct integration with several of the most common compilers, VCS systems, and IDEs |
Native macro language with a simplified C-like syntax
New File, Template, and Window Panes |
Telnet support rebuilt from the ground up to handle modern developments in remote compiling |
Improved Telnet and FTP capabilities
External program integration
Program design and feature list that reflects, as always, our users' requests and requirements |
"On-the-fly" text template expansion
Completely extensible architecture
更新时间:2014-02-19 16:41:58.000 | 录入时间:2009-07-17 15:52:13.000 | 责任编辑:
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