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可添加先进的数据列表功能到您的web应用程序。ListPresenter是一个多用途,高性能的数据列表显示组件。它采用VirtualScroll技术,支持内置的编辑功能,且能容易的进行数据绑定等功能。ListPresenter给您提供唯一的横向数据项显示功能。同时ListPresenter支持大多数浏览器(Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Safari,Gecko based等)。
Add advanced data list to your web applications. ListPresenter is a versatile, high performance data list presentation component with VirtualScroll technology, built-in editing support, easy databinding, and more. ListPresenter provides you a unique horizontal item presentation. ListPresenter supports most browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Gecko based, etc.).
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Presenter 是一种数据可视化组件,它采用了数据集中分发思想的数据浏览体验,且只需要通过单击的方式就可以将一个数据源转换到多种表现形式。DataPresenterManager是一个核心组件,它作为数据缓冲管理器并处理所有数据的接收并自动地分发数据到其它的presenter视图,例如Icon Presenter,List Presenter,和其他的Presenter。
Intersoft Presenter内置的视图都具有强大的Virtual Scrolling功能,它可以使每个视图在显示大数据集时性能不受影响。因此,最终用户能够享受到平滑且一致的滚动行为而不管对象的总数量大小和其渲染的复杂性。
绑定到Intersoft 数据源
除了额外的普通数据显示功能以外,Presenter还提供全功能的数据编辑功能—-使用户能够轻松地添加,编辑,和删除记录。Presenter工作在具有声明式的数据源组件的场景中,这些组件,如:Intersoft WcfDataSource,并为相关的能够很好处理数据事务的数据源控件传递必要的信息。
数据据取是一种为了在一个drill-down风格的用户界面中直观地显示分层数据的一种独特的功能。同步的数据 钻取能让用户在可同步保持用户所执行数据操作和视图交换的钻取状态信息的同时钻取数据。为了得到这些子数据,只需将它连接到AstoriaDataSource 或 WcfDataSource,然后处理相应的数据提取实现。
通过 iDataPresenter的可扩展性
增强的Presenter具有高度可扩展的视图功能,开发人员可以通过简单的继承IDataPresenter接口并传递所有必要的信息,方便容易地将他们自己定义的视图添加到Presenter管理器中。Data Presenter Manager将自动地为您自定义的视图提供所有必要的信息。它将被整合到Presenter Manager并在任何内置的视图中分享丰富的数据交互体验。同时,数据分页,排序,和过筛选操作将会自动地被启用。
Out of Browser (OOB) 支持
Presenter Manager 现在完全支持Out of Browser, 它是一种在Silverlight 3中用于构建运行于桌面的RIA应用程序的新功能。它使应用程序在用户的机器上被放置到一个限定的存储介质中,然后提供一个来自用户桌面或开始菜单的链接指向它,用于快速的访问该程序。
利用Silverlight 3的强大的功能,Presenter Manager现在支持元素到元素的绑定架构,其中包含绑定到DomainDataSource和其他CLR对象。当绑定到一个数据源控件,如DomainDataSource时,它通过底层的数据源接口在后台无缝地检索数据—-使业务范围的RIA开发比以前更容易。
全面的.NET RIA 服务支持
在Silverlight 3中采用了增强的数据支持,所有的数据显示组件都得到了进一步的改善,包括可将数据轻松的绑定到.NET RIA服务,支持业务对象等。在Presenter Manager 和.NET RIA服务之间的稳固整合提供了无缝的各种数据操作,使您能够很容易地载入,排序,过滤和分页数据而不用编写任何代码。另外,Presenter Manager还支持开箱即用的双向数据绑定,以及支持批量更新优化的数据处理性能。
Hybrid Data Presentation with built-in 5 Views
Presenter a data visualization component that introduces a data browsing experience with centralized data distribution concept, transforming a datasource into multiple presentations with a single click. DataPresenterManager is the central component that serves as data pool manager and handles all data fetching process and automatically distributes it to other presenter views, such as Icon Presenter, List Presenter, and others.
Automatic view state synchronization
Work in concert with hybrid presentation feature, automatic state synchronization seamlessly saves the latest data state as users perform various data interactions. The data state, such as filtered columns, sorted columns and columns order, will be properly maintained as user navigates to different views.
High performance VirtualScroll technology
All built-in views in Intersoft Presenter are powered with Virtual Scrolling, a technology that enables each view to display large dataset without performance hit. As a result, end user can enjoy smooth and consistent scrolling behavior regardless of the total number of objects and the rendering complexity.
Ultra fast data loading and fetching with DataPresenterManager
Presenter is optimized for extremely heavy data usage with its data presenter manager concept. All data is fetched and aggregated in one centralized data source and distributed when requested, enabling Presenter to perform data operations quickly and efficiently, without bloating up resources consumption.
Client-side and server-side operations
Designed as an enterprise-ready data visualization component, Presenter offers the flexibility to choose the best data operation mode according to the usage and scenarios. Choose client-side operation to load all data to client-side which eliminates client-server roundtrip. When you’re dealing with larger data, choose server-side operation for best performance as it loads smaller chunk of data when requested by the presenter.
Multiple items selection
Presenter provides multiple items selection feature which is implemented consistently in all built-in presenters. You can select multiple items by using keyboard keys including combination of ctrl and shift key, or by using mouse and keys combination. Thanks to the automatic view state synchronization feature, all selected items will be persisted during view switching, enables user to easily work on selection.
Column ordering
It’s possible to rearrange the column order in Presenter. Simply click and drag on a column and drop it in between columns. Notice that Presenter will adjust its view automatically and move the entire column to the new location. Column rearranging can be used to change the grouping order by simply move the grouped columns inside the action box.
Action box
Presenter enables users to conveniently perform various actions – such as sorting, grouping or filtering – directly in a centralized, intuitive action box. When a column is hovered, click on the drop down arrow next to the column caption to show the action box, and then perform the desired data operation.
Bind to Intersoft DataSource
With the declarative databinding concept, Presenter enables you to bind to your ADO.NET data services, Wcf service, and Xml document instantly, without writing a single line of C# codes. When properly configured, Presenter will be able to perform sorting, grouping, filtering as well as CRUD operations effortlessly.
Comprehensive editing features
Apart from its extra ordinary data viewing features, Presenter also offers full-featured data editing capabilities – enabling users to easily add, edit, and delete records. Presenter works in concert with declarative datasource components such as Intersoft WcfDataSource and pass on the required information to the attached data source control which processes the data transactions elegantly.
Built-in data validation engine
High-quality data is very essential for mission-critical web applications. Understanding the need to provide the most accurate input, Presenter includes highly customizable input validation engine. From simple “field must be filled in” to more advanced validation, Presenter offers the most comprehensive, flexible APIs for total control over validation process.
Data grouping
Grouping operation in Presenter can be done elegantly through the action box in each column. Simply click on the column’s right header to open the action box and select the group button. Group rearrangement is also possible by simply moving the grouped columns, while sorting can be done by clicking on the grouped column’s header inside the action box. You can also define the initial group state and customize the group interval to deliver more logical grouping options for users.
Data sorting
Simply click on each column header to perform sorting. Available in three sorting mode, ascending, descending, and none, Presenter enables users to perform multiple sorting in multiple direction at the same time. It’s also enhanced to support column sorting while the column is grouped at the same time.
Data filtering
Sharing the same user interface concept as grouping and sorting, data filtering action is also accessible through the action box. By default, all values of the selected column will be displayed. Just check or uncheck the checkbox to filter it. Custom filtering options are also offered to provide more elegant filtering mechanism for number data type. For example, you can create a range of numbers options such as 0-10, 21-30, 31-40, and so on.
Data paging
Presenter supports two modes of data paging, client-side and server-side paging. Client-side paging fetches all data on first load and thus suitable for smaller data size, while server-side paging connects to data source control and retrieves only a small chunk of data required by current view – makes it a perfect choice for real-world, fast-growing data.
Synchronized data drilling
Data drilling is a unique feature for presenting hierarchical data intuitively in a drill-down style user interface. The synchronized data drilling lets users drill down data while simultaneously maintaining the drill down state as users perform data operations and view switching. To get the child data, simply connect it to AstoriaDataSource or WcfDataSource, and then handle the data fetching implementation accordingly.
Hybrid data drilling
Only Presenter has hybrid data drilling, a breakthrough feature that lets you displays child data in different presenter views. For example, you can display the root data with an IconPresenter, and then use GridPresenter for the second child data and so on. Thanks to Presenter’s rock solid architecture – you can also create your own custom view and consume it to display child data.
Extensibility through iDataPresenter
Presenter is enhanced with highly extensible view capability, enabling developers to easily plug-in their custom-made view into Presenter Manager easily. By simply inheriting IDataPresenter interface and pass all required information, Data Presenter Manager will automatically provide all required information to your custom-view. It will be integrated into Presenter Manager and shares the same rich data interaction experience as in any built-in views. Data paging, sorting, and filtering will be enabled automatically.
Out of Browser (OOB) support
Presenter Manager now fully supports Out of Browser, a new feature in Silverlight 3 for building RIA applications that run on the desktop. It enables the application to be placed in a restricted store on the user’s machine; and then provide a link directly to it from the user's desktop or start menu for quick access.
Element-to-element binding
Harnessing the power of Silverlight 3, Presenter Manager now supports element-to-element binding architecture, which includes binding to DomainDataSource and other CLR objects. When bound to a datasource control such as DomainDataSource, it seamlessly retrieves the data in the background through the underlying datasource interface – making line-of-business RIA development easier than ever.
Comprehensive .NET RIA Services Support
All data presenter components have been further improved to take advantage of the enhanced data support in Silverlight 3, including easy data binding to .NET RIA Services, support for business objects, and more. The tight integration between Presenter Manager and .NET RIA Services offer seamless data operations, enabling you to easily load, sort, filter and page data without writing single line of codes. In addition, Presenter Manager also supports two-way data binding out-of-the-box, as well as batch update for optimized data transaction performance.
更新时间:2014-01-20 14:52:08.000 | 录入时间:2010-01-13 14:12:57.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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