Spread for ASP.NET 表格控件兼容Excel的强大功能,并将其嵌入到您的应用系统中。完备的Excel文档支持使得您可以在企业中分享和访问数据信息;内嵌的图表引擎和数据可视化支持让您更加轻松的为商务、工程以及科学应用系统中创建丰富高效的信息中心。
Spread for ASP.NET 表格控件包含在Spread Studio中。Spread Studio支持WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF, Silverlight, Windows8等多个平台,并且价格更优惠。2013年12月20日后,Spread for ASP.NET不再单独销售!
The world’s most popular ASP.NET spreadsheet component...now with Dynamic Data support!Use our ASP.NET spreadsheet component to add full-featured spreadsheet capabilities or highly advanced grid functionality to your ASP.NET applications. Our award-winning Spread for ASP.NET frees you from spending tedious hours coding features that are missing in other grids. In Spread for ASP.NET many of those features are only a property setting or line of code away. Take the product tours, read the whitepapers, or download your evaluation today.
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为什么选择Spread for ASP.NET表格控件?
Spread for ASP.NET已经加入中文资源,同时提供中文演示程序、中文文档和中文教程。此外,不断丰富的中文示例库更方便的让您了解Spread的功能和使用场景。
Spread支持85种丰富多彩的图表效果。基于工作表的数据直接生成图表,操作简单。同时,软件人员还可以在Visual Studio设计环境中定制图表的所有元素,包括标题、序列、轴、样式、图例等。
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件对象模型允许ASP.NET开发者自定义界面元素同时管理控件行为。开发者通过Spread for ASP.NET表格控件将兼容Microsoft Excel的表格控件功能植入ASP.NET应用系统中。
通过设置EnableAjaxCall属性提供对AJAX的支持。该设置将影响包括分层视图中子表的分组、列排序、行插入、分页、搜索、筛选和公式更新等功能。 如果ClientAutoCalculation 属性的值为真, 在某个单元格的值变化后, Spread控件将收到来自AJAX的一个调用,Spread控件将会依据表单的计算公式重新计算表单并将结果发送到客户端,最后Spread控件会在客户端对数值进行更新。 详细内容请阅读“评估和下载"一节的“用AJAX和Spread for Web Forms对Web应用程序进行优化”白皮书。
支持与MS Excel之间的数据导入、导出,包括数据格式和计算公式的导入和导出,同时也支持单个工作表和整个工作簿的导入、导出。服务器端支持在未安装Excel的情况下,通过Spread控件来显示Excel文件。
支持对数据进行MS Outlook风格的分组。
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件支持多种数据格式的的导入和导出。 支持MS Excel 97和更高版本的文件格式、文本文件(用逗号分隔, 标签分隔等)、以及Spread文件。
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件通过对AllowColumnMove属性的设置,完成象MS Excel 列移动一样的列移动,即允许用户点击列的表头并将其拖动到工作表的另一个位置。
Normal - 默认的工作表选择和编辑功能
ReadOnly - 只能查看数据,不允许在表中选择或编辑任何单元格
RowMode - 只允许用户选择单行(高亮显示)并且只能对该行的单个单元格进行编辑
SingleSelect - 只允许用户选择单行(高亮显示),但不能编辑任何单元格
MultiSelect - 允许用户在工作表中选择多个连续的在一起的行
ExtendedSelect - 允许用户在工作表中选择多个非连续行
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件的默认特性使得在线发布信息变得非常简单。 然而,在对大量的数据进行操作时可能会需要对Spread控件的行为进行精细调整。 Spread for ASP.NET提供了多种可极大提高程序的性能和减小下载页面尺寸的方法:
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件特别适合用于所有内部的在线订单输入或外部的购物车。 在选择一个ID后,Spread for ASP.NET表格控件会向服务器运行一个AJAX调用,在服务器端收集需要的信息,然后将需要的数据传回Spread中所有过程无需对整个页面进行刷新。 还可以再次调整价格、折扣或数量,Spread会运行一个AJAX调用并对数据进行相应的更新。 看,会给你增加多少新的机会!
每个Spread for ASP.NET表格控件可包含多个工作表,与微软的 Excel类似,可方便地在网页上组织、显示信息。 支持在设计阶段或运行阶段增加或删除工作表,支持为每个表单设置背景色、网格线、"皮肤"。 还支持在运行阶段隐藏或显示工作表。
Spread for ASP.NET表格控件提供功能强大的Spread设计器。在无需编程的前提下,通过这个有着友好用户界面的设计工具,对Spread控件的进行快速设置,达到所见即所得的目的。
如果采用了MS Grid,则必须在绑定模式下运行;Spread for ASP.NET表格控件提供对非绑定模式的支持。
Spread for ASP.NET软件环境
版本 | 操作系统 | 平台 | 编译器 | 浏览器 |
8.1 | Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2 Microsoft Windows 2012 Server Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8.1 | .NET Framework 4.0 .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Framework 4.5.1 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 | IE 7 IE 8 IE 9 IE 10 IE 11 Chrome FireFox Safari |
Spread for ASP.NET is a complete ASP.NET spreadsheet component that supports bound or unbound modes (no dataset needed), AJAX, native Microsoft Excel import/export, in-cell editing, multiple edits on multiple rows without server round trips, client-side column/row resizing, multiple sheets, searching, filtering, multiple cell types, validations, cell spans, multiple headers, sorting, complete customization at the cell level, over 300 built-in calculation functions, hierarchical display and much more.
Excel Compatibility
You can import data from and export data and formatting to Microsoft Excel in its native format, both individual spreadsheets and entire workbooks. You can save data to an Excel-formatted (BIFF8 format) file or stream. There are several SaveExcel methods each with several options. For instance, you can specify whether headers are saved with the data using the setting of the IncludeHeaders enumeration. You do not need Excel on the server for Spread to display your Excel files.
AJAX Support
AJAX allows the component to refresh without refreshing the entire page. You can add AJAX support to the FpSpread component by setting the EnableAjaxCall property. This affects several features including expanding and collapsing child sheets in a hierarchical display, column sorting, inserting rows, and paging. If the ClientAutoCalculation property is true, then after a cell value is changed, an AJAX call is made to the FpSpread component. Then the component calculates the formulas and sends the values to the client side. The component then updates the values at the client side.
You can customize the user experience for filtering data on a sheet. With row filtering, you can allow the user to filter the data in columns on a sheet and display only the rows of data which meet criteria from a drop-down list or change the appearance of rows based on that filtering. You can use the basic default filtering or you can customize practically every aspect of the filtering.
Spread makes it easy to display and edit your hierarchical data. Simply set up your dataset with relations and set the HierarchicalView property to True. That’s all it takes to display your data. You have full customization at the child level if you want to hide columns, change colors, etc. You can also choose from two hierarchy views: Hierarchical View and Parent Row View.
Spread Designer
Spread includes our robust Spread Designer, a user-friendly design-time environment that allows you or your web designers to quickly configure the look and feel of the Spread control with no coding required.
You can easily assign cell types, color, text, etc for any cell using the Spread Designer’s unique WYSIWYG implementation. This allows for faster design of your applications by your developers or you can even give the Spread control to your graphic designers to configure and create “skinsEthat can be used across multiple spreadsheets or even across multiple applications for a consistent look. Below is a screenshot of the Spread Designer:
You can search for data in any of the cells in the workbook by specifying the sheet and the string of data for which to search. You also have several searching options you can choose from.
Load on Demand
You can now allow the Web page to load on demand -- as the user scrolls further down the spreadsheet the FarPoint Spread component on the client loads another page of rows from the server as needed. This is similar to what would was called "virtual mode" in the COM version of the product. You can specify the number of rows to load initially and how many to load in subsequent loads. You can specify those properties at the component level (for FpSpread) or at the sheet level.
Conditional Formatting
You can set up conditional formats within cells that determine the formatting of the cell based on the outcome of a conditional statement. You can use a named style to specify various formatting options such as borders and colors to apply if the condition statement is valid, that is, if the operation is satisfied. For example, you may want to change the background color of a cell based on the value of the cell. If the value is below 100 then the background color would be changed to red. The condition statement is “less than 100” and consists of a comparison operator “less than” and a condition, in this case a single constant “100”. The condition can be a constant (expressed as a string) or an expression. Some condition statements have two conditions and an operator: for instance, if the cell value is between 0 and 100, then change the background color. In this case, the comparison operator is “between” and the first condition is 0 and the last condition is 100. For a complete list of operations, refer to the ComparisonOperator enumeration.
Spread includes a powerful calculation engine that allows you to quickly add formulas to your web applications by using any of over 300 pre-defined functions or you can add your own custom functions. Spread also supports cross-sheet formula referencing. In the below sample, formulas are in the 'Total Due' column and the last totals row. Enter or change a formula in a cell - "=SUM(A1:A3)" - then press the Update image link (the checkbox at the bottom left of Spread) to view your changes.
You can set up the display to allow Outlook-style grouping of rows. For large amounts of data, this can be helpful to display the data in the order the user needs it. To select a column by which to group and display that data, either double-click on the header of that column or click and drag the column into the grouping bar at the top of the page. You can proviate multiple levels of groups by dragging additional column headers into the grouping area, set up the display so that the items are shown initially as expanded or collapsed or set the colors and other formatting of both the hierarchy names and the data in the rows when grouping is performed. Drag a column header to the grouping bar or double-click a column header to begin. Double-click a column header to begin a new group:
Frozen Rows & Columns
You can freeze columns and rows and keep them displayed regardless of where the user navigates in the sheet. Frozen rows and frozen columns do not scroll when the user uses the scroll bar or navigation keys in the component. This is useful if you need information in non-header rows or columns to stay visible regardless of where in the sheet the user navigates. Frozen rows and frozen columns are currently only supported with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 and higher.
Cell Types
Spread includes 18 cell types that help make it easier for your user to enter the data you are expecting.
Operation Modes
You can customize what the user can select by working with the operation mode of the sheet. By default, the component allows users to select a cell, a column, a row, a range of cells, or the entire sheet. The MultiRangeSelection property allows the user to select multiple discontiguous blocks with the control (Ctrl) key and the mouse.
Cell Merging
You can have Spread automatically merge cells between columns or between rows if the cells have the same value based on the policy that you set. The control can automatically combine cells that have the same contents. You might want to do this for easier viewing of the data, for example, when bound to a database. Unlike spanning cells, merging is an automatic feature. You tell the control which columns and rows allow cells to be combined automatically, and any cells within that set that have the same contents are combined for you.
Move Columns
Moving columns just got easier.You can allow your users to click on the header of a column and drag it to another location on the spreadsheet. You can set this with the AllowColumnMove property in the FpSpread class.
更新时间:2021-07-19 14:55:55.000 | 录入时间:2013-08-22 14:25:19.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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