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PASS软件为965种以上的统计测试和置信区间方案提供了样本量工具,是其他样本量软件的两倍以上。 每个工具均已使用已发表的文章和/或文本进行了仔细验证。PASS被广泛用于临床试验计划,资助计划,药物研究,统计和生物统计学咨询,健康研究以及研究计划和研究评估的许多其他领域。
在PASS中,您可以通过几个简短的步骤来估算统计检验或置信区间的样本量。 如果您每个步骤都需要指导,PASS会提供出色的文档,免费的培训视频。
使用下拉菜单,过程搜索或类别树可轻松找到样本数量过程。 观看简短视频,以了解如何在PASS中选择所需的过程。
样本量程序工具易于使用,并且每个选项都有内置的帮助消息。 右图可以帮助您在样本量程序工具中输入正确值的方式的说明。 您也可以观看此视频,以查看在PASS中使用过程窗口的示例。
运行PASS程序时,样本量结果和相应的图将显示在输出窗口中。可以单击样本大小或功效曲线以在单独的窗口中显示,以供查看或保存。使用输出导航树可以轻松导航输出。 输出的格式使其易于查看,复制和粘贴或保存。 可以将多个输出运行发送到输出库,以进行保存或比较样本大小分析。
PASS包含几种用于多比重的样本量计算和效能检验工具,包括卡方检验、 Cochran-Armitage、二序分类变量检验、灵敏性和特效性检验等等。每一个过程的使用都很简单,并且经过了精密的准确性验证。
总结: Tableau比较适合个人用户以及没有经过可视化分析培训的企业人员使用,使用者能够以最快的时间将自己所掌握的数据以可视化图表的形式展现出来,并通过 Tableau Server 共享给其他用户 ;而Qlik Sense以其丰富的二次开发接口和可扩展性,提供给用户充分的定制能力,使用户可以通过数据加载脚本和 Qlik API 来定制数据连接和可视化报表的展现方式,比较适合较大规模的企业级应用。
PASS software contains a large collection of tools for examining power or calculating sample size for a given statistical procedure. Each procedure may be selected from the menu, category tree, or a procedure search.
Once a procedure is chosen, a procedure window opens for input of the needed power or sample size parameters.
On the procedure window, you can select at the top whether you wish to solve for the sample size, power, or some other parameter. As you mouse over each option, helpful definitions and hints are shown at the right. For many of the parameters, a range of values may be entered to examine the effect of changing that parameter. You can also press the help button in the top right corner to see the technical details of the procedure, as well as examples and procedure validation. When the Calculate button is pressed, the output screen appears with the numeric results, article references, report definitions, summary statements, and charts of the numeric results.
This output can be saved or easily copied-and-pasted to a word processing application. The charts can be saved to a variety of file formats.
PASS contains over 60 tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of the comparison of one, two, or paired means, including t-tests, equivalence, non-inferiority, cross-over, nonparametric, and simulation, among many others. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a means topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
PASS contains several tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of the comparison of three or more means, including ANOVA, mixed models, multiple comparisons, multivariate, and repeated measures, among others. Each procedure is very straightforward to use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a multiple means topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
PASS contains several procedures for sample size calculation and power analysis for correlation, including tests for one and two correlations, confidence intervals for one correlation, and tests for intraclass correlation. PASS also has procedures that compute sample size and power for testing one and two coefficient alphas, testing kappa for the agreement between two raters, and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient. Each procedure is easy-to-use and validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a correlation topic. Only a brief summary is given for each procedure.
PASS includes a procedure for power analysis and sample size calculation for eight different tests of normality. The procedure is easy-to-use and validated for accuracy.
PASS contains a number of procedures for sample size calculation and power analysis for variances and standard deviations, including tests for one and two variances, confidence intervals for one variance, confidence intervals for the ratio two variances, and confidence intervals for one standard deviation. Each procedure is easy-to-use and validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a correlation topic. Only a brief summary is given for each procedure.
PASS contains several procedures for sample size calculation and power analysis for regression, including linear regression, confidence intervals for the linear regression slope, multiple regression, Cox regression, Poisson regression, and logistic regression. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a regression topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary is given.
PASS contains over 20 tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of one proportion, including z-tests, equivalence, non-inferiority, confidence intervals, and conditional power, among others. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a one proportion topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
PASS contains over 50 tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of two proportions, including z-tests, equivalence, non-inferiority, confidence intervals, correlated proportions, cluster randomized, and conditional power, among many others. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a two proportions topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
PASS contains several tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of multiple proportions, including crosstabs (chi-square), Cochran-Armitage, two ordered categorical variables, and sensitivity and specificity, among others. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a proportions topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
PASS contains over 25 tools for sample size estimation and power analysis of survival methods, including logrank tests, non-inferiority, group-sequential, and conditional power, among others. Each procedure is easy-to-use and is carefully validated for accuracy. Use the links below to jump to a survival topic. For each procedure, only a brief summary of the procedure is given.
更新时间:2024-09-05 17:15:05.000 | 录入时间:2013-10-28 14:07:34.000 | 责任编辑:何家巧
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